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About drakejordison

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  1. drakejordison

    "Receiving character data from server"

    i forgot to mention it, server with private hive seem to work just fine, and it is DayZ mod from ARMA, not SA
  2. Hey guys, i have been playing DayZ since while, and idk how you guys call in english but you take a hard disk, erase everthing on it, and reinstall the OS and stuff, so i alredy did that twice, and the game worked fine, but at this time, whenever i try to join a server with a oficiall hive, it doesn't work, it keeps frezing at "Receiving character data from server" also, i cant update the beta patch, it says "wrong cdkey", what i am suposed to do? already googled it and nothing seem to work, I really need some help here guys. Obs: Idk if this is related with the problem but, i didnt download all the game from steam, i just copy and pasted a backup that i had on my other HD, may that fucked up something on the reg, but already resintalled the game and still bad tough. Obs²: Sorry for my bad english.
  3. This is what make the game awesome, its hard to get a gun, and you can die anytime,anywhere, so you have to think before doing something stupid, because just one little error, like running in a road instead of walking, can kill you really quick, and the lack of guns make the game good to, because players need go search, isnt something like "Here your Gun, Go there and kill everyone" so not everyone can make a "run for it" because they can get shoot and loose all their loot, or get killed by zeds, they need think what they need to do first, and on my opininions its what make this mod really cool :3
  4. drakejordison

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Will be someting like a... fuck i dont know how say this in english, its when you buy the game before he gets out, here in my country we call pré-venda, and if will, how many will cost for us? :3
  5. drakejordison

    Will this mod work/be avail. with Arma 3?

    Well, in one interview they, said the ARMA 3 will be inclued with the mod, but its really dosent make sense, because its going be standalone, so i dont know :3
  6. drakejordison

    Potential Graphical Artifacting Fixes

    So when i select Multi thread support, it apear Enable MT support (which i alredy ticked) Maximum Working Threads:0 Minimum Working Threads:0 I have a intel core duo, so... what i should put in there? .-.
  7. sometimes i have this on some servers, my friend got 200 ou 300 on ping and not get kicked, and i with 103 gets,no way to fix it i guess, anyway good luck to u guys :3
  8. drakejordison

    [FIX] Spawning Unconscious [FIX]

    yeah didnt work it, i have to kill my self
  9. drakejordison

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I am still getting Graphical Glitches :c what i should do?
  10. drakejordison

    Being a hero versus being a bandit

    He didnt anwser me but i read and isnt him, i aborted one day on airstrip, then today, i logged in, but the server stoped on loading, so i tought, "Fuc@!, Infinite loading again!" so i alt+tab and go check the youtube when suddenly i hear, HEY YO!, i alt+tab on game again and when finally i come back, i just hear gunshots, then i drop dead.... i lost a rage finder, gps,m107 and a thermal..., my buddies got one more for me, but i was really pissed....
  11. drakejordison

    Being a hero versus being a bandit

    he was on airfield?
  12. drakejordison

    Thanks You [ARS]

    Yesterday, i was on US #500 It was night time, and i was helping my friend get some sniper in barns around, when we notice some flares on the market, so we decide check out, i was with one FAL with Night Vison, so i go to the west and my friend would keep looking in the barn while i would keep my eyes on the city, when for some reason, some guy with gullie decide to make a run for it in the middle of the low grass, probrably he was thinking like: "ITS Night Time, nobody gonna see me." he stops on middle off the field go prone then stop, he was aiming to the market so i take the shot, but i just make him inconsious, so i said: " Fuck!, he gonna disconnect." But no, he stay there, he wake up, bandage himself and aim to the market again, now i have a good sight off him, Boom! Headshoot, then i look on the chat: "[ARS] Bruxelo (or something like dat) was killed" then i look up on the players, there more two [ARS] on the server, so i get scared, cuz they could see me if a make a run for it, i wait 10 minutes, nothing, " Fuck IT then, im going to check his body" i go there, and i find a L85A2 AWS with a lot of mags, a PDW, Antibiotis and some generic stuff (food,medical stuff and etc,) then my friends says he hear something close to the fire Department then i use the L85A2 AWS e locate the sniper, Headshoot again, we got a NVG, a AS50,a FN FAL with a lot of mags, so thank you dude, u helped me a lot :3 (sorry for post this here, but i wanted to share with you guys :c )
  13. drakejordison

    I am the happiest man in the world now :3

  14. So, i was going to the airstrip get some gear when i found this So i wanna ask, this is normal? i mean heli crash sites can spawn close that much?
  15. I run from kamenka to cherno to looking for food and die after 10 minutes of running because was really dark outhere, i didnt have any ideia how use my flashlight