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B00tsy (DayZ)

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Everything posted by B00tsy (DayZ)

  1. B00tsy (DayZ)

    Night time should be toned down

    I am for it, NVG's are to military and not like a simple civilian bloke that tries to survive with cans of beans, in the logic of having nvg's I should also be able to loot 3 course gourmet dinners as well that keeps me alive for at least a day without eating. And as for dayz not designed to be a level playing field is one of the strong points of the mod (soon to become official game), but, I do think it needs to be based on the skills of the players and not the fact if you have uber weapons and triple A military gear like nvg's and rangefinders. It should be based on the player tactical and strategic skills and how steady his aim is in QCB and not just because he has a grenade launcher or a bad ass sniper rifle able to kill players 1km away. I don;t mind getting killed by someone that was just better and quicker or used better tactics, I do mind lame launchers and uber weapons. For that matter I also think helicopter gunships should be removed and only have civil choppers. Though i think for a simple survivor to be able to fly choppers is also a tat unrealistic and not needed in Dayz.
  2. B00tsy (DayZ)

    Night time should be toned down

    I fully agree with the OP. It's great that arma tries to be realistic (it's a simulator after all), but they have overdone the night lighting or I should say the lack of lighting. It still needs to be playable at night without NVG you know (it's a game on a PC monitor and not real life) and thats not the case with arma and thus dayz.. Sure you can drop a flare or start a campfire so that everyone on the server can se where you at, but I rather not :) They really should add a filter to the night lighting or script it so that the night time wont actually go beyond seven o clock in the evening and then stay that way till it gets morning again.
  3. B00tsy (DayZ)

    Thoughts on the M107 / AS50

    So give 1 person who finds it an uber rifle and that guy leaves a new one will spawn the guy comes back and an other guy picks up the new spawned rifle, leaves, new spawn, etc, it wont work. Same thing btw with grenade launchers, heavy machineguns with or without scope and the likes. Lets face it those modern military weapons are overkill for the post apocalyptic setting and it kills the fun and immersion a bit (I say 'a bit' to stay nice cos it is in fact stupid and lame). It is way more cool if you get killed by QCB and a guy with actual skills in close combat instead of a lame grenade launcher or a guy with a 10 meter large telescope on his rifle somewhere on a hill half a click away. I also think NVG's should be gone for that matter as it gives an unbalanced advantage over others, pitch black night versus green daylight view with NVG's, the difference is huge and gives the guy with nvg a huge advantage over other players. It is super easy to kill peeps at night with NVG knowing that others can't see even 10 centimeters in front of them.
  4. B00tsy (DayZ)

    Thoughts on the M107 / AS50

    I'm sure that there are plenty of ArmA players that can accurately guess the distance, some players play ArmA and OPF for many years. It might not be 1 shot 1 kill, but 2 shots 1 kill still makes them very deadly.
  5. B00tsy (DayZ)

    Spawn in random buildings/houses around the map

    Good idea. I really like to be disorientated and have to figure out where I am. Especially if you travel at night time it will make it quite difficult. It might also reduce the player clutter at Cherno and Electro. Most people that spawn with a new character (I assume) will first travel to Cherno or Electro as it has a lot of loot and is relatively close by and many stay there. And as for the town name signs, they are easily covered with a bigger object so that you can't read the town names anymore.
  6. B00tsy (DayZ)

    Thoughts on the M107 / AS50

    lawl, in that case I want the Mini-Nuke from the Fallout games :)
  7. B00tsy (DayZ)


    Sounds familiar. I was just on a DE server scoping Cherno from a hill and 2 choppers flew above me and landed on a factory roof close by. I shot 1 guy cos he kept standing at the same spot (easy kill) and 5 seconds later an other dude teleported right on top of me, He was not in godmode or anything I killed him too, he had an uber inventory with a sniper rifle and 10 clips and ghillie suit and frag grenades etc. 10 minutes later they were back with new choppers. Thought it was wise to log off when I heard the choppers board gun go off.
  8. B00tsy (DayZ)

    Thoughts on the M107 / AS50

    I can snipe any target up to 700 meters away with 1 shot (further away it gets less precise) if he stands still for a few secs. In ArmA you can't see someone that is in a prone position from 100 meters away and if he is lying behind a bush you can't see him at all. So you can't defend nor avoid getting sniped if someone has a M107, therefor sniping rifles and scoped rifles in general gives players a huge unfair advantage.
  9. B00tsy (DayZ)

    Third person vs First person view

    This. For running and sneaking around I prefer 3th person, otherwise you have to Alt view constantly to see whats going on around you un less you have track Ir. For using weapons I highly prefer 1st person view, because it;s way more accurate aiming down the barrel of your gun/rifle.
  10. B00tsy (DayZ)

    Thoughts on the M107 / AS50

    No scoped weapons and no semi/auto rifles would be swell, it is way to unbalanced with all the heavy duty military weapons. We are all survivors, but if you look at the available weapon arsenal it is a military mod with zombies. I think I hate the grenade launchers the most, it's so lame to get killed by that. Just because ArmA has all these nice weapons does not mean they all should be placed in the mod. Shotguns hatchets and pistols is more then enough.
  11. B00tsy (DayZ)

    Some feedback

    I started playing Dayz again after not having played it for 6 months to see how it has been improved over the months and I definitely notice many improvements, but I also notice some things that could be improved (for the stand alone version). I am not going to type down all the good things, because they are obvious, better to type down feedback about things that could be improved (if thats possible). The loot spawning is still a bit glitchy. It happens sometimes that i access a building that should contain loot, but there is none. When I go back to the building 2 minutes later the loot has spawned. It is probably a trigger activation that checks if a player is present and activates to late (countdown). Maybe the trigger radius needs to be bigger or the countdown a bit shorter. You start now without any weapons and that is fine, but it's not so fine to get killed by bandits while you are unarmed. Maybe some code could be added that notifies the other player that the one he is aiming at is unarmed with a floating text or something. Or even better, that it is impossible to shoot someone that has no weapons (probably not possible). In the hours that I played I got spawn killed 2 times (again I was unarmed), by now everyone knows the spawn locations and some players abuse that. Maybe it's an idea to spawn the player in a bigger random radius of the spawn locations (markers) and not the exact spawn point location. As for the weapons I find it still a bit unbalanced. I am sneaking around with a hatchet and a pistol with 1 clip and I get blasted away by some dude with a grenade launcher. I rather see the available weapons more limited. No scoped weapons, no machine guns and semi/automatic rifles and no grenade launchers. It is totally not needed. For killing zombies basically the hatchet is enough or a pistol or a shotgun. In practice the heavy weapons are only being used against players that are often underpowered and that kills the fun. Save the heavy firepower for military mission/mods. I mean with a M249 I can pawn everyone too if they only have a pistol, it's a bit lame. Also in the hours I played I got teleported by some hacker (or an admin abusing his tools) that had a shitload of weapons and ammo on the ground. I also had my character with good loot at a remote location, when I logged in I got shot within 30 seconds after logging in by a hacker that teleported to my location. Overall battleye and other anti hack scripts takes care of most of them, it's not as bad as it was last time I played it. The server list is a mess, there are tons of different named server and private hives mingled in the server list. Would be an improvement if all the servers are logically named or at least that server name starts with private or public, game difficulty and timezone. As for the private hives, I don't like it. I login to servers that are a mod of a mod. The private hives I tried are very unbalanced and *fs up the setup and intentions of the Dayz devs. You start with an overkill of weapons and a map, there are way to many vehicles. Again the ' lame factor', it's lame that there are heavy duty gunships and SU-25's and stuff, not really post apocalyptic imo. And last, it happened a few times that I logged in and all my loot was gone, but I did spawn at the place where I last logged of. It was really a bummer to have the whole inventory gone that took me hours of looting and sneaking around to get. I also had a couple of times that I logged in and had to create a new character while my old character did not die, my progress was apparently not saved. It would help to get some confirmation if my progress is saved before I decide to logoff. Dayz is a fun mod and it gets better and better while the Devs keep working on it. Considering that ArmA is not designed to be a zombie game it is pretty impressive of what it has become and it contains some very smart scripting so cudo's to the devs!
  12. Hi guys, Been 6 months I played Dayz for the lat time so I thought I check it out again and see whats new. So I downloaded PlaywithSIX and let it install dayz, but I can't join any server due to incorrect version number. I found just a couple of servers that are running an older version that I could join. I let SIX diagnose the install, but I still can't join the servers. The version I have is '1.62.95248', (not sure if that is the arma version NR or Dayz) but on the server list I see that the servers are running on a higher/newer version. So how can I make it compatible and update dayz or ArmA, because SIX is not doing it even after the diagnose. I am running ArmA-CO and have the beta active (Steam). Any help would be welcome. Cheers
  13. B00tsy (DayZ)

    servers are marked as red, wrong version

    Alright it's all good now, thanks again. For Steam players with the same issue, don't use the Steam beta thus :)
  14. B00tsy (DayZ)

    servers are marked as red, wrong version

    Ahh okay, so it is Steam then that is not giving me the latest patch. I will install the new beta manually and give it an other go. Thanks! Weird though that the SIx updater doe not tell me that the beta is not up to date and does not install the latest version.
  15. B00tsy (DayZ)

    Connecting Failed

    Same issue here, might indeed be Steam messing things up.
  16. I would love to see the ability to spawn an unlocked footlocker on the ground that you can hide somewhere ingame to store your loot. The footlocker and it's content should be saved at the location you placed it as long as your character is alive. This has obviously has the advantage of storing more loot, but it gives more tactical opportunities too. I always like to camp at certain spots and stay in a certain radius of that location. It would be nice if you can store your non essential loot somewhere and only have the essentials with you if you want to go into a village to get water or other supplies. In groups it can be handy if a few are on guard/patrol around the camp and don't have to carry 3 cans of beans and 3 soda's with them, but more ammo or flares instead. Another advantage of everyone having hidden lockers on the map is that a lot of bandits will stop randomly kill players for a small loot, but will take a more stalker approach and remain stealthy at a distance hoping they will discover your hidden footlocker/storage (finding the jackpot). Edit to add, that you have to take the locker into your inventory probably before logging of as you cant have the lockers of all players on the map always. So, persistent ingame lockers as long as you are in the game. and before logging of you take the locker with content in your inventory. My 2 cents :)
  17. B00tsy (DayZ)

    Don't add to much features

    It is really great to see all the suggestions that are being made and that people are actively thinking along. It shows how great DayZ is and that there is already a thriving community around the mod! However, I am a bit worried that eventually (if Rocket and helpers implements them) to much will be added and that the mod will become to much fuzz to play. As the average lifetime is only 30 minutes it may not be a good idea to having to worry about a zillion things in those 30 minutes. Personally I think 'having a cold' is already to much. I hope DayZ will stay hardcore with good fundaments (balanced AI, balanced loot, balanced, faction difficulty, etcetera), but not with a zillion 'features' and shiny's while it adds nothing to the core gameplay, but just adds extra fuzz to enjoy your exploring and surviving.
  18. B00tsy (DayZ)

    Don't add to much features

    Yep I feel the same about that. I 'personally' think that simple things should be kept simple. Half the map is a forest and in village area's there is always a crate or pallet around that you can use to make fire with. To have fireplace 'ammo' is 1 step to much. It's the same thing with a beartrap which sounds as it's gonna be a fairly common object. Now for fixing a car or a chopper it is logical to have more steps to fix it that should be more of a team effort. One other problem you have with all the extra things you need like 'wood' it fills up your already small inventory. In my inventory I want every free slot to be used to store ammo and other essentials, not for wood and cold medicine etcetera, you would need 2 backpacks then to survive and kill Zeds.
  19. B00tsy (DayZ)

    Don't add to much features

  20. B00tsy (DayZ)

    Don't add to much features

  21. B00tsy (DayZ)

    Don't add to much features

    I never said there should not be more features. As an other poster also said, with all the suggestions coming by it' easily can go overboard with 'stuff' in the game (what players want). Like having to find an opener for the can and then needing a plate and spoon for it etcetera. If I need to do all those things just to keep alive then it becomes a chore. The mod is fun now because you can basically do what you want, besides finding some food and water to stay alive. If a zillion other factors are added to that 'just to stay alive' then I think i'll pass.
  22. B00tsy (DayZ)

    Don't add to much features

    Eventually you get bored with every game/mod, thats part of human nature. It would be worse if a game has so many shiny's and non essential mandatory features that you wont want to go to the trouble of playing it in the first place.
  23. B00tsy (DayZ)

    Don't add to much features

    Well it's like creating a painting. If you keep painting on an already beautiful painting you can ruin it up to the point it becomes to ugly to look at.
  24. B00tsy (DayZ)

    WIRE abuse at barracks by griefers

    Anyone can hop over wires, just walk and press V. Server hopping for loot needs to be fixed though, but I believe that was on the agenda already. Personally I don't get why people need to use exploits and loopholes anyway. It's lame, only confirms that you suck at gaming and shows that you are egotistic and incapable of playing together with other players.
  25. B00tsy (DayZ)

    persistent ingame footlockers = more variety for bandits

    Well maybe at the start you should have a footlocker already. If everyone would have stored nice hidden loot it would be much less tempting to kill an other player right away, but as said being more a stealthy stalker that tries to steal large hidden loots by following the other player instead. Btw, I haven't found a tent at all, been playing for aver a week though.