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About Papie

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  1. Papie

    CPUs and DayZ.

    Since you know what you're talking about and I myself am interested in computer performances, I posted the results of my 'not-so-badass'-rig down here. Maybe it will help you, or not ;-)
  2. Papie

    Remove tents

    You are making so many assumptions. Others jealousy? I'm special and found a loophole? Supplying amounts of easy loot? Breaking the game? AN EXPLOITER? Am I duping items or what? Go spread your hate somewhere else. EDIT: seeing the amount of negative comments on your post that you linked... don't know, you want to impress me with this? EDIT 2: Mr. Troll?
  3. Papie

    Remove tents

    I only place tents where I hope people don't find them. I don't stay near the coast, I've had enough Cherno/Elektro killing, and it became boring quite fast. Tents are a valuable addition to this game, they reward players who take more time searching for good stuff. If you choose not to use them, and then say 'Oh, now I'm at an disadvantage with people who use tents, so they should be removed', that just sounds silly. You want to force your style of playing onto others, imo.
  4. Papie

    Remove tents

    I don't hate permadeath, I never said that. I just don't like being killed, especially by a hacker, after spending much time and effort into 'a life'. I don't need tents either, but they make life easier, and they are fun to use. And tents more common than a crowbar? Don't make me laugh, man.
  5. Papie

    Remove tents

    I see the tent as a reward for people who play longer, and don't stay near the coast. After I die, it's always a 6km+ walk from there to (one of) my tents. Tents are a unique feature of this mod, and they need to stay. Not just to be removed because people feel they are not on an equal level with players who use tents.
  6. Papie

    Remove tents

    If I DO have a tent AND I have stuff which it took me a long time to gather OR i'm in Day > 5 or so, I'm afraid of dying, yes. You see, for me this is not just a game like 'Gather some stuff, walk around like an idiot shooting ppls, and die afterwards'. There's a line of text which you'll see when you spawn and that's how many days you are alive. I find this the most challenging part of this game, not dying. And placing tents, making something out of DayZ, is part of that.
  7. Papie

    Remove tents

    My personal experience is like this: if I don't place some tents for myself, I'm afraid to die with the stuffz I just found(mostly from hackers). If I do place a tent, the gameplay becomes much more tactical. You feel like you have to guard it, and fill it with precious items. Removing tents would be bad, really bad. Once I have good stuff, the only thing that's keeping me in this game are tents(and vehicles, but I don't see them very often).
  8. I can confirm that this needs a fix. It's ruining this game atm. My old l00t keeps coming back in my tents, and whatever new item I put in it, after the restart it's gone. Lost my dear SVD because of this :(
  9. Papie

    Please make Crossbow ammo stack.

    Agreed. This is almost a must have, the crossbow is useless right now.
  10. Papie

    Prevent Spawn Point "Choosing" by Suicide

    Go play another game. DayZ is not for people who just want to play with eachother without the effort of reaching another. OT: this is a good idea, I still see too many people dying right after they died the first time.
  11. Papie

    Side Chat

    Something with radios would be nice. Batteries and radios.
  12. This is not always a winner. Some people, like me, just need a permanent fix. For now I will avoid places where theres barbed wire, dead soldiers etc.
  13. Papie

    Inventory Not Saving on Logout

    I think this man here, got it right. I've had this 'bug' a couple of times too, and in those cases the items I lost were the items I had acquired just before I logged out. So don't logout just after you found some l33t gear.
  14. This. I don't think vehicles should be less rare, but they should be more resilient and some of them should make less sound. I also think that a vehicle doesn't need as much storage space as it has now. Just some places for a jerry can or two and wheels(and only that kind of items), else it's a riding tent.
  15. I asked the server admin to restart the server, and he did it. Now my tents are back again :D