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Chris <3

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Everything posted by Chris <3

  1. Chris <3

    1st Person vs. 3rd Person

    3rd person unless indoors. The head bobbing is unrealistic, I can focus on something when I run, my eyes dont jitter around like googely eyes. 1st person only servers give me motion sickness lol.
  2. Chris <3

    Respawn Button POLL

    Broken legs in a field miles from any zombies? respawn! owait.
  3. Chris <3

    Worst Weapon In Dayz

    Crowbar > crossbow (one bolt a slot is retarded) > markov Crossbow could be a beast of a weapon if implemented realistically and functionally. Needs more bolts per stack Actually have iron sights Put the bolt in the gear section of the zombie (loosing your only bolt up a zombies ass is annoying)
  4. Chris <3

    Should DayZ Be Censored?

    Oh and its a shame so many people read the title and posted about censoring day z.
  5. Chris <3

    Should DayZ Be Censored?

    An interesting topic. How immersive a game can be depends on the person and how they react to things and what they see, for example: Player A, might shoot you for your loot and not think much about it, you have items and he wants items and hey its just a game? Player B on the other hand considers the reaction from the other player in real life and chooses not to kill him. Player C Kills the other player, not for loot (although a bonus) but so that he removes the possibility of getting shot himself. Player D Kills you because kill. lolol ect. Each reaction brings out different things in people such as fear, greed and possibly misplaced revenge (of which im guilty of once or twice). But in the end I don't think that games with the current technology or in the next 5 years (im optimistic :P) can truly bring out the equal emotions to real life scenarios and games can never be as punishing as life. Since many games are based on our world (perhaps with a twist like zombies) but the base ideas such as murder, theft and survival are things that are happening in real life so how can that really be an issue of gaming. Personally I think games need to be more realistic (big companies don't do anything political really) which is something other forms of art do constantly, games need to hit home and put people in the shoes of those who suffer in the world we live in, everything is just fantasy or history. nothing with a powerful message for today. And then there is the issue of entertainment, which most people would say is the primary focus of a game and fictional things are less work to make fun. Would be a lot of work to make being a starving child in Ethiopia in any way entertaining, which sounds pretty bad lol.
  6. Chris <3

    My feet hurt....

    Totaly unrealistic having so few vehicles. And in a world where 50% of buildings are sheds and warehouses with car parts in them why are the vehicles all broken? I have shot thousands of mechanic zombies (I presume thats what they are), you would have thought they would have fixed one care before becoming a zombie. Also should have way more bikes. fucking Tyrone.
  7. Chris <3

    weapon noise

    Just dont shoot anything, run through the magical buildings :P
  8. Chris <3

    ALT F4 Survey

    Yeah I'm sick of a good ol shoot off ending abruptly (usually they are bleeding and in shock so that was kinda dumb)
  9. Chris <3

    Dieing on alttab.

    This happend to me before... At north west airfield... ..and I was standing in the middle like a dumbass... ...dont think it was a bug that time :blush:
  10. Chris <3

    Zombies aggro from 50+ meters

    This maaaaaybe intentional. From what I can tell they only go agro from miles when they look in your direction. I hope its a bug, I don't want to prone my way into cherno. ;)
  11. Chris <3

    Graphical Issues

    Oh I saw this too :o I logged out to see if it would fix it and lost my gun from another bug >:( Damn alpha haha
  12. Yeah this happened to me too, I had just found my first vehicle too :'( (fully repaired just no gas) Makes solo play too difficult (cheap shots)
  13. Chris <3

    Complete Inventory Wipe on Logoff

    Yeah this happened to me, was pretty pissed since I lost my akm with 8 clips :\ And I lost my bag and torch so I'm like -_- And today, I'm not sure if its because I logged out too quickly and it didn't save the information or whatever. I had just found a silenced pistol whilst raiding balota military camp and had to log out right after I found it (after about a minute) because I had that graphical bug where all the models stretch across the screen. Logged in and I didn't have it. Since I still had my other equipment I assume its a different issue, also I used a bandage before I logged out which wasn't there when I logged back in. (so it saves that but not my gun -_- haha)