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About rl1029

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. He's not complaining about KoS, he's talking about the general mindset of the players today. People just don't seem to be interested in cooperating and playing together anymore. It seems they are just lurking around, looking for easy kills. Personally, when I'm playing alone and see people advertising where they are at in side chat, if I'm nearby I'll go see if I can find them. I don't shoot at them or anything, I just try to stay out of sight and observe. Then, if I see them get into trouble, I'll try to help them. Sometimes I get killed, sometimes I'm successful. Either way, that's how I think I'd act in a real-world zombie apocalypse, so that's how I enjoy playing the game. Bottom line: I agree with the OP!
  2. I play on a private server, and I agree, it is the way DayZ should be played (as long as admins don't abuse their power).
  3. rl1029

    Killing unarmed players

    Unarmed players are not always as helpless as they seem.... One time, I let an unarmed player live, and to repay me, he took the M1911 out of my backpack and put three bullets in my head :( Nowadays, I still let unarmed players live, but you can bet your ass I keep them at a distance. I learned my lesson!
  4. rl1029


    This guy is truly an asshat.
  5. rl1029

    I need an experienced player

    Hey, I'm 23 and live in Hawaii as well. Add me on steam (same name), I'll be off work in an hour! I've also got a couple friends here in Hawaii that I play with as well. Let's go own some n00bs!
  6. rl1029

    Battleye Failed to Update

    You need to run both Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead individually from steam or wherever you have them installed. Once you do that, try six-launcher or whatever else you use, and it should work.