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Posts posted by 2yysforyou

  1. Player Handle: Yosef

    Player Name (Not necessary):

    Player Age: (25)

    Experience: 3 Months squad/pvp general surivival

    Map Knowledge Chernarus: (Intimate)

    Map Knowledge Lingor: (None)

    Map Knowledge Takistan: (None)

    Preferred Role: (Point-man, Sniper, Spotter)

    Preferred Primary: (M16 ACOG, Silenced M4)

    Preferred Secondary: (M9SD, Glock 17)

    Preferred Playstyle: (Both 'serious' tactical, and casual)

    Skype/Vent/Teamspeak?: (Yes/Yes/Yes)

    Timezone: (Pacific)

    Language(s) Known (Not Necessary): (English)

    Contact: Skype = Beefthief1

  2. Don't know why but lately when i been playing DayZ and i see someone i can kill my hand starts to shake (real life) and i can't control the mouse, i start spazing out and shooting everywere instead of focusing. Anyone know what might be causing my hand to shake?

    Is it that i get nervous or excited? like seriously is turning into a problem...

    (wOOPS posted this thread in the wrong section, sorry about that)

    Haha, its the adrenaline, that or you're scared shitless. Noob IMO just keep on killing people and it'll go away lol

  3. Sorry to hear you had a bad trip - BTW, why Camp raid? Play the game for what it was meant for and find a decent Server and create your own Camp - Kinda sad to hear how all these peeps play the game to just raid Admins or anyone's Camps instead of finding and building the goodies for yourself. either way there are at least over 2000 other Servers to RAID Camps on :)

    What? seriously? Asking him why to camp raid? That's part of the agme and is tons of fun...its like declaring war....I can't believe someone would actually post this.

  4. I've found like 3 camp sites in the past week. 2 of them had spare ghillie suits in them and TONS OF WEAPONS. The first one I found I was with a friend, and it had like 3 DMR's 2 AS50's NVG's Bizon SD M4a1, pretty much 1 of every military gun minus the machine guns. Tons of food and water, we took what we could carry, even upgraded our backpacks. The 2nd time I found another ghillie suit, some hacked m40a3 (its an m24 w/ camo) and a bunchhhh of mags for it.

  5. Hey guys, I'm looking for a bandit group to roll with. I've been playing this game for a couple months now, so I'm really familiar with the zones, and loot spawns of items. Currently I have a ghillie suit, and a m24. I would like to roll with a group of at least 5 people. I'm a good point man, and I can follow orders really well. Add me on skype beefthief1 if anyone is interested.

  6. So my buddy and I have been playing this for a couple weeks, but this last update seems to have given me and at least 1 other buddy issues on joining the same server. If I join a server like "US 250" and when he filters the game for that particular server, it doesn't show up, and it doesn't show up from the ArmA II server list either. The reverse is true when I try to join his games, is anyone having this issue? Or does anyone know how to fix this? We are both using Six Launcher.
