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Posts posted by jmurda

  1. "I paid for Arma 2 for nothing, what a waste. Give me DayZ for free!"

    You bought a game for a free mod, that was the decision you made. By the time the standalone is released, you will have 2 games (Arma 2, DayZ) for less than the price of Skyrim.

    I don't believe DayZ the standalone would have been given the greenlight if there wasn't a proven market for it. So really, this is thanks to the people who bought Arma2 for DayZ. These are your most devoted fans, treat them right eh?

    • Like 3

  2. You can do all the Don'ts in the original post except the last one if you know what you are doing. Gunshots attract people - hide or run after shooting. Fire is fine as long as you do it away from where people tend to move. Running upright or running over fields is obviously always more risky, but if you know when to do that stuff you're fairly safe doing it anyway.

    Corpses are, however, awesome survivor baits. The only situation when you should even remotely consider instant looting is when you yourself have friends around watching your back too.

    But yeah, in general it's a great guide. People just shouldn't take it too strictly.

    hurr... read about marginal advantage. What you're saying is true about using good judgment but someone who understands marginal advantage makes fewer exploitable mistakes. If you use judgment and do these things anyways you're making an exploitable mistake. You might get away with it or you might not. But if you don't make exploitable mistakes you will usually be safe.

    Marginal advantage: http://www.teamliqui...?topic_id=64514
