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Everything posted by bradleymayhem

  1. bradleymayhem

    Hacked or just rubbish?

    It depends on the situation. If multiple users have been killed before and after you there's a good chance its a hack If you hear a gone shot after you've hit the floor and nothing happened with other players on the server you could have walked across someone's line of sight then they continued to watch over you until they have a clear shot. Record your game-play and watch it back helps out alot!
  2. If you have posted your information freely into the internet i dont see how you can attempt to claim he has breached a public act - he clearly has not, your just to 'willy nilly' with giving out your personal information. Also for someone who is so uptight on grammer and punctuation, you really could do with investing into a spellcheck.
  3. oh forums are so wonderful anyway think its time to move on. Dekz you on z tonight ?
  4. Think your missing the point jwjw, Ben misquoted dekz, dekz and Tyras misquoted ben and your still commenting on it.
  5. Giggidy I'll be on later tonight dekz probably 7 ish
  6. Ha benpowelle the bartender lol
  7. I think it's fair to say that we are agreeing to disagree I think you are bullshitting your way into being something bigger than you are and i look forward to comming across you within Day z again. Now please move along
  8. bradleymayhem

    [ESQD] Elite squad

    just noticed a few saying we abort. I assure you 95% of us at last account do not abort. and we take a stand against hacked weapons, Dekz does not knowingly allow any members to use these guns - the southpark Characters on our server use hacked weapons / vehicles and teleportation i think we enjoy the epic last stand far too much, plus most nights we are all recording If you are about on 275 / 276 and wanna group up let us know
  9. and in your words, you have no home server - you venture from server to server as its your best chance of survival - thus admitting you are in fact a server hopper / ghoster that is sad!
  10. You are disorganised. you claim to own servers / host servers yet you are using createaforum.com as you main use of communicating to your 'epic' clan and as for my claim to a few weeks i've been playing z for around 3 months now and have floated between groups before settling with dekz and co, i did run with you for probably 3 days at the most yet it was so dreary it probably felt like an eternity. And quit bigging up about side arm kills, cos you havent killed one member of ESQD and thats a Fact
  11. Something that should have been kept private in IM's has exploded over several of ESQD's recruitment posts. The needless trolling / spamming post's by 'bartender Ben' Have irritated the majority of ESQD I stayed out of the whole posts leaving it to Dekz but this kid just wont stay away
  12. Firstly, i've been involved with your 'clan' several weeks maybe even months ago - you where the most disorganised group i have ever come across hence why i swiftly left and took to the forums. I know your Home server is a US server, the name and IP escape at this very moment and i will find and post them later today If like you say you host several other games on servers why would you play on a US server? your ping was ridiculous and quite frankly i think your talking out of your ass. I personally think that you are some 'allmighty' keyboard warrior who is all talk and can not back up shit. I'll let Dekz tell you are home server, stupid little teenage boy.
  13. bradleymayhem

    Why does every sniper I shoot at ALT-F4?

    i know the feeling, i enjoy starting & finishing a 'battle' Although this tends to result in me getting myself Killed. I enjoy rebuilding my character so i'm really not bothered with dying!
  14. It really is, vary random group led aimlessly (i mean amazingly) by Dekz
  15. Harassed* Come on our home server so i can shoot you repeatedly
  16. Who the fuck says chap you freaking moron
  17. bradleymayhem

    [ESQD] Elite squad

    think he is also the guy spawning in the glitched / hacked weapons!
  18. all of the wiechers servers are normally ( from my experience) hack free although i have come across people using thermal as20's, which are hacked guns !
  19. nope all of his servers are down just was a strange coincidence that we found alot of vehicles.
  20. looks like weichers.ws is down entirely
  21. So mysteriously after finding alot of vehicles on 276, admin shuts the server. You get mad for us playing your server and taking your vehicles ?
  22. How do you know your tents havent been raided and then saved ?
  23. bradleymayhem

    So this just happened...

    i agree, allthough the first time used the hatchet to shoot i panicked thinking someone was shooting me at the same time. Just the damn noise the hatchet makes haha!
  24. bradleymayhem

    So this just happened...

    Not being funny commenting on whether its legit you should realise that the group that the user plays with have 15+ active members. Its not all about running round like a headless chicken attracting hoards of zombies, Stealth & teamwork reap rewards
  25. bradleymayhem

    UK Group still expanding! want in?

    Everything seems to happen in this group I love it !