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Everything posted by mistikal

  1. I'm getting a bit sick and tired of seeing alot of streamers on twitch that pretty much glorify hacking when it benefits then and then cry about it when they get killed by them.... I've seen multiple streamers lately that always seem to find the same server as a friendly hacker which then proceeds to spawn in vehicles and ammo boxes so they can kit themselves out fully. What i would like to know is why is the ban wave for these script kiddies only something like every 3 weeks? why not everyday? Fair enough there is the argument of "its only alpha this will help us out" but how exactly does it help when all it takes is for them to get a keygen and are back in the game within 5 mins knowing they are safe for another 3 weeks or so. I love arma 2 and i was surprised at how much i like dayz mod even if it is looked down upon in the arma community, but a few days after the ban wave happens its all back to the same thing, and now we have people streaming it with no comebacks on them. Its always "what am i going to do if he just spawns things in for me?" simple....get some integrity...kill them, drop the items and move server, the less attention the script kiddies get the better, streaming it and loving the fact you have been given all the items even ones that are not available to you is not helping the mod one bit. Please, stop glorifying hacking. and please for the love of god and the sake of the mod, make the ban wave everyday.
  2. Ok so i was doing some testing last night, a group of us all went on the same server (night server), i spawned near green mountain and the rest were fresh spawns. We spawn in and everyone who spawned anywhere near a military spawn point with dead bodies had major artifacting similar to that caused by barb wire fencing, note this was the static dead military bodies not the ones you kill. I went towards green mountain peek and as i looked towards the main gate sure enough major artifacting going on all over the place, i dropped my camera to look at the ground just so i could see infront a bit and i noticed that i could see the origin of the artifacting, i kept the camera at the same level and slowly walked towards the source, when i got close it turned into a military bodie. I told this tot he rest of our group and sure enough it was the same for them, the military tents in cherno, same in balota, same again in the airfield i went to which was a dam nightmare to navigate. We tried the shift - flush but this didnt do anything. The strange thing is i changed server when i logged out at the airfield and the next server it was fine. Maybe the devs can check this out cause it seems a but strange that 7 people experienced the exact same thing with different pc setups at different locations of the map, all of the same latest patch btw.
  3. mistikal

    The Game Is Now Un-Playable.

    Video options>advanced>video memory>default. This fixed the artifacting from military dead bodies for me, rest of the settings i have maxed.
  4. I can confirm this does fix the artifacting for the military dead bodies.
  5. Well since i have actually reported a source of the artifacting for the devs to look into rather than just crying about it i dont see why you have to be a moron about it.