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About khalashnikovf

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. khalashnikovf

    Weapon Russianization (WARNING: Big, detailed post)

    Only one small hint which changes everything. Chernarus is no way Russia but Czech Republic and thats still big difference (it doesnt mean that we were for 30 years under their f***ng influence that we are russians). But yeah, weapons should be remade to fit a bit better to Europe where was 30 years Russian bastard.
  2. khalashnikovf

    1.7.1 The good, Bad, and Ugly

    Only one hint: Maybe you live in America where is constitutional law to have a weapon at home, but anywhere, especially in Europe, it is neccesary to make some exams and psychologicall tests before you are able to have a gun. So its completely logic to not have a gun if there is noone who owns it! Maybe if Rocket will plan to move DayZ also into Takistan (Most common weapon AK-47, nice :) ) But this is completely fine move. Keep this in mind and just try to find some weapon, you will be fine too :)
  3. khalashnikovf

    Bandits Ultimate Goal - Nuclear Device

    And the best way how to make everyone bad is when they let that nuke explode' date=' they are guilty because they did not tried to disable it! :) [hr']
  4. khalashnikovf

    Bandits Ultimate Goal - Nuclear Device

    Im not talking about objectives, its just an option. Of course being a soldier would you do some objectives. But anyway, this one would be perfect way how to make you really bad person known for it "Nuclear terrorist" with some special suit not only bandit one. And also in opposite way it would be nice to be SEAL,SAS,WHATever suited for disabling it. It could be working really fine and would add a lot of moral decisions.
  5. khalashnikovf

    Bandits Ultimate Goal - Nuclear Device

    Im sorry, but Im seeing this like one of the very possible steps what would military take for. Nuke would clear whole area in no time and no spare. These talks about humanity,etc. is just dumb, in case of this real infection would be this one of the one choices to spare more lives at once. And of course Im not talking here about getting nuke in one hour of gameplay, it would take a lot of time to collect all these items and lot of cooperation. It would also made people not only run and gun all the time like Im seeing last days. Surviving in very own new way.
  6. First: Sorry for this wall of text :) So I just got thinking about some major goal of what should Bandit do except killing all other ppl. Some other reason why they should keep together and be more disturbing than ever before. What if there would be some idea, that they heard about location where there should be hidden small Nuclear Device which they could move in some location infested heavily with Zeds and it is center of very most of survivors, Chernogorsk or Electro? or any other big city? Some goals which would follow to activate it: 1) Find map with note of location of that Nuke (could be "hidden" in some box of not so much big size) 2) Find launch codes to make it active 3) Find some energy generator to refill battery which is handling counter 4) move the bomb to desired location (there would be needed at least Pickup for this, so attach the box to car) 5) activate that bomb with pre-set timer (which would be able to set on some predefined times where 1 hour would be minimum) 6) Run as far as you can (Nuke can be any yield sized - from 1kT to 15kT like in Hiroshima, bigger is pretty badass because it would destroy whole map, and that is not exact goal of bandits - or is it? :) ) Now it could come two possibilities: 1) Survivors could be ready for this situation and have some tools to disable this device in some time, risk their lives because of it (it would add a lot of humanity even over standard measure (they would need stuff like pyrotechnic tools, deactivating codes, or any other what is kinda used for this stuff) 2) Nuke would launch and explode -> Lot of stuff would happened. Blast, Heat Wave, Shock Wave, Destruction of everything accords some calculations by yield of Nuke, Radiation, Radioactive cloud spreading in wind way. (All this Nuke stuff is already made by lot of people including me self (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?112397-Nuclear-Explosion-Physics-Improved , but my code is not finished and it is kinda really overwhelming and would be not needed to be so... extremely precious). Well, and now imagine the Post apocalyptic world of zombie in Post Nuclear launch ... amazing (radio meter would be necessary). Or it is also idea for not bandits but new side, Military, there could be for example some possibility that you are surviving soldier who has orders to finish his job, launch that Nuke and it would be great opportunity to make survivors and bandits ally for a while and do the job together ("it is OUR country! We live here, not you SOLDIERS!") Ok, so what you say?