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About Grafiqal

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    Devon, England
  1. Our server will be moving to a new host as the current one is too expensive and we have found a cheaper option. The database will still remain (gear and buildings). Check our website for updates www.vgdayz.com
  2. What do you guys think of a Building Materials Search and Loot event?
  3. After being away for a few days I was informed by one of the admins about the recent hackers on the server. I can now safely say that our anti hacks has been updated and we should not get any more hackers from now on! thank you for your patience
  4. 5th October Fixes - Increased build limit was not working but has now been fixed.
  5. 4th October Changelog *Added a new base to kamenka *New Teamspeak IP: ts3.vgdayz.com *New shop feature on our website: http://www.vgdayz.com , Can how buy humanity and in game currency All the best, [VG] Matt
  6. Veritas Gaming Presents VGDayZ Epoch - 400+ Vehicles | 30+ Choppers | Events & Missions | Auto Refuel | Towing | Self Blood | Custom Loot | Custom Vehicles | VGDayZ.com ( I.P: Our Website: http://www.vgdayz.com - use code 'humanity50' to get 50% off humanity purchases on our store now! This is VG's new personalised Epoch Server hosted on our dedicated server. Extra Scripts/Features/Customisations in addition to Vanilla Epoch: Auto RefuelSide Missions with AITake Skins from Dead BodiesOur very own Teamspeak 3 server! : ts61.gameservers.com:9190 N.B. Please ask an admin if you would like you own clan channel with password! We're happy to help you.Restarts every 3 hoursOver 5 custom towns and BasesIncreased building limit (build up to 600 objects in your base!)Safe Zones at trader cities (not able to get killed whilst inside)400+ Vehicles with 40+ AircraftSelf BloodbagFriendly admins that are regularly onlineCustom Vehicles and LootFast Login (hosted on a top spec dedicated server) The Rules: Bandits are fully welcome (we love you guys)No crashing vehicles into players basesNo racist or sexual remarks (banter and a few general heated arguments are allowed) Hope to see you on the server soon![VG] Matt - Server Owner
  7. If lewis wants to do something on the server, I can't help that. There are plenty more servers that you can play on so why don't you give them a try. Thanks a lot buddy :-----)
  8. Could you PM me with what kit you had?
  9. Sorry Lewis wanted to change it to Taviana. Give me your in game name and I'll give you your gear back :)
  10. He never promoted WarZ? and he loves DayZ
  11. Ahh weren't you in Frankie's video?
  12. Yeah I guess it is, what I was trying to say was its his server but I kinda screwed up the title. also how do you delete threads? I tried to delete the previous one but I couldn't find a way. Sorry for making it look like I'm spamming
  13. The Netherlands, going to change to London as soon as possible
  14. I have been given permission administrate Lewis' DayZ server hosted by dayz.st. The map is currently on the latest version of Taviana as of 13/02/13 Here are the server details if you would like to join: Teamspeak Address: Hosted In: London (UK) I.P: Port: 3034 Server Name: DayZTaviana - Official PsiSyndicate Server! (v2.0/101480) [VETERAN] - Always Daylight - 400 VEHICLES - Custom Starting Gear | DayZ.ST My in-game name: Matt Look forward to seeing you in-game! Interact with PsiSyndicate: YouTube - http://www.youtube.c...er/PsiSyndicate Twitter - https://twitter.com/PsiSyndicate Livestream - http://www.twitch.tv/psisyndicate Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/PsiSyndicate Interact with me: Steam - Mattcoker690 Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/grafiqal YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/user/grafiqall
  15. Hey there, I have recently purchased a server form the guys over at Dayz.st. I plan to make the server as fun as possible. It would be great if you could check out the server. Just search 'Veritas gaming' on DayZ Commander or note down the IP: Also I am looking for admins, If you would like to be an admin, you must be on the server at least once every other day. If you would like to apply, contact me in game: 'Matt' Thanks