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About Tartauris

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    On the Coast
  1. Tartauris

    DayZ Stories

    Nizhnoye. Knew from the very beginning this trip would be hell. One of those crawling bastards chased me all the way from the previous town, decided to chance it and put a round in its head ALMOST too close to town. Thankfully nobody else heard. I managed to crawl my way through the last town and figured it'd be just the same, stay low, move slow, and keep your head on a swivel. Boy was I wrong. I manage to crawl my way into town no problem. Same as usual, wait for zed to walk past before crawling on. But it seems fate's got it in for me today. I notice the crawler too late as I round the fence. For a moment I don't move hoping it doesn't notice. My luck's not that great. I hear a shriek from behind me and jump to my feet. They'll chase me all day down the coast. The only way is through the city. Second hardest that I've ever run in my life. Over and through anything I can find that might slow them down. I spy a ladder leading up to the roof of the warehouse. Last chance to live. I take it. Veering off from the tracks I grab hold of the ladder bars and climb for my life. Thankfully Zed doesn't follow me up here...Only now what? I take inventory. One can of sardines, One can of Coke, 9 flares, and three clips for my Makarov, two of which have one round left. Old habits die hard. A quick headcount confirms my fear. Twelve Zed, Ten rounds...I'd have to pull some crazy ninja shooting to pull this off. I take aim, got plenty of time to line up the shots. I may as well do it right... Needless to say things didn't go as planned. The count is now eight as I load the next mag; One round. It's not like I'm saving it for someone...What I would give to be trapped up here with a girl. I take aim, squeeze the trigger, and another one falls. Seven. I eject the clip...Load my last magazine. One round. Decide to try the radio, maybe someone around can help. The lack of the normal radio chatter isn't very inspiring though. "Screw it, let's give it a go." "Anybody out there? I'm trapped up on the roof of the Nizhnoye warehouse, please respond." ...No response...Okay, Plan B. Not knowing what else I can do I start tossing flares about madly. Panic briefly sets in and I start tossing flares left and right. After regaining my sense, I leave a few flares up on the roof, down to three. Hopefully someone will see it and come to investigate. After a few minutes I see movement on one of the other rooftops. Another survivor. I wave, salute, anything and it looks like I do have their attention. My broadcast wasn't sent out that long ago, they MUST have seen me. Maybe they've come to help! The stranger turns around, walks back into the building and is never seen again. Several more minutes pass. Zed's call is maddening. I reload my last magazine. Looks like more Zed coming into town. I chamber my last round and survey the horizon once more. Still nobody. Setting my Makarov down beside me I whip out my tin of sardines and a can of coke chuckling at my last meal. Not even hungry but hey, if I'm going to kick the bucket I may as well do it with a full stomach. Painkillers and Morphine? Thank you very much. Really takes my mind off the fact that there's now something like 30 Zed waiting down there. With a content sigh and still riding the high off the pills and morphine I sit back and take in the sea air. I light up and toss my last two flares...The light is pretty...I stand up, woozy from the drugs...I put the gun to my head... ...Bang... ...Bangbang... For a few minutes I'm just standing there on the roof, gun still at my head. Until I realize...I can't hear them anymore. I stare on dumbfounded, gun still held on myself as two survivors sprint past my roost and into another warehouse firing off rounds like crazy. I look down and to my surprise...One left. Here I stand, one round, one runner. I pull the gun away, still not entirely sure how to do this. I can't get a clear shot without falling off the roof. Seems the only way out is down. I slide down the ladder, jump down the last few rungs, take aim and fire. Of all the times, NOW is when I miss. "Lady Luck you WHORE!" I spit as I duck through warehouse the other two survivors ran into. Emerging out the other side, I catch a glimpse of them running off towards the shore. One of them wore a mask so it's time to get some distance. Just when I thought I was free, Zed's scream comes from behind and that same zombie is sprinting after me with a buddy. I run for my god damn life. "Uphill...Gotta...Get up-...hill." Repeating this mantra I sprint on finding my second, third, and fourth wind...The morphine helped a bit. I spot a barn in the distance, open at both ends, time to take Zed on a little detour. They crash into the bales of hay, flailing about inside while I book it out the other end and into the forest, ALIVE...