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Everything posted by QXscape

  1. I hope there will be much more close combat weapons like knifes,... Sniper Rifles, Shotguns, MG´s should be really rare. Like 5/100 People should have weapons like these on a server. I would like to see more Pistols,....
  2. QXscape

    Hud Gone?

    Its been disabled with the latest patch you can enable it in the options, but the hud is buggy^^
  3. QXscape

    Voices!!! Gave Me Goosebumps

    dont worry, one time a cow talked with me :D somebody just scared you^^
  4. Rocket cant do not much about the cheater problem. In the DayZ standalone there will be a better cheat protection. The Patch is great, no more artifacts. Great work rocket ;)
  5. You know that Rocket still works on the mod,right? If he is not working on the mod he is working on the standalone, if he is not working on the standalone he is working on the mod. Thats what he said at the Gamescom.
  6. QXscape

    DayZ at GamesCom

    No you dont pay for the Dayz Mod, the Mod is free. You have to pay for the Dayz Standalone Game ;) I saw some Interviews with Dean Hall on the Gamescom. 1.7.3 will be released after the Gamescom, thats a great news ;)
  7. QXscape

    Stuck in the hacker arena :/

    Join a server , go in a building,.... then go back to your server and you are out of the arena. The same happened to me yesterday.
  8. QXscape

    This new patch ROCKZ!

    It is an alpha version, not a beta and not a full game. There will be always some bugs. Just enjoy the alpha, report bugs and help rocket to make this mod perfect and don´t say "fix your shit" , that isn´t very helpful. I don´t experienced more bugs,there are a lot of players who use alt+f4, but rocket is trying to fix this.