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About wampa_one

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. wampa_one

    Project Freedom: Recruiting

    Age (Be Honest): 23 In Game Name: wampa one / Dutko Country/Timezone: USA Pacific Time (LA) Are You Active?: Super. I only play a couple of hours a day as of now, but it's been dwindling since my friends stopped playing and I don't like playing alone. I could play for 5-8 hours most days since I work from home. Experience In Dayz: Been playing for about 2 weeks. My current duder has been alive for about a week. I haven't killed anyone aaaaaand I'm bored of playing alone. Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Yeah. I play a lot of LoL so I have pretty good teamwork. And I'm looking to play with some people with coordination in DayZ. I have not really worked with a team in this game yet , only with a friend or two at a time. My Skype name is Ducard55. Steam name is Dutko