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Paranox (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Paranox (DayZ)

  1. I wouldn't care about gaining food levels from soda, but the net gain should be lower than water due to the smaller content of water, we don't need specific theories on why (like that the amount of caffeine and sugar takes energy from the body when processed).

    The reason why I think it's an acceptable change to the mechanics is that soda cans don't clog up your inventory when you empty them whereas you want to keep that empty canteen there.

    At the moment, soda is "cheaper" to lug around than water. I find that silly :)

  2. My thoughts exactly, as BwickFS39 said above.

    If you're shot even by a battleship-mounted rail gun, you don't hear your impending doom until you're already long dead. The projectiles of most high-energy weapons (I'm counting sniper rifles here for the most part) travel faster than sound so there's a delay for the "bang" and the bullet hitting you, or close to you.

    AFAIK, ArmA II simulates the delay just fine. Haven't tested it but it looked like it was so when I observed someone shooting zombies in a pinch.
