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Everything posted by Nalestom

  1. Nalestom

    System to Punish KoS

    Trust in the rust, baby
  2. Nalestom

    System to Punish KoS

    How are you going to say that you're not for or against KOS, then make a thread title that says "System to punish KOS"? I mean, your opinion is your own, but come on, let's not pretend to be neutral when we clearly aren't.
  3. Nalestom

    If someone would make a signature for me.

    What do I get if I make this for you?
  4. We've all been there: you're shot during a firefight, and you desperately need a bandage or a transfusion, but your friend has no idea what to do, much less how to do it. Until now. This video demonstrates a number of important medical procedures in the DayZ SA. Enjoy!
  5. Nalestom

    Is this happening for everyone?

    When the buildings combine, the end is nigh.
  6. Nalestom

    This game will only be a niche .....

    1) Telling somebody that they have a reading comprehension problem is an insult. Your argument becomes less credible the more you insult somebody. It's very difficult to take you seriously at the moment. 2) The reason most people agree with the developers wholeheartedly is because the ideas that the developers come up with and plan on implementing are generally good ideas. This is human nature - when somebody says something that you agree with, you tend to express your agreement with them. Rocket and the rest of the development team has a very clear vision about the type of game that they want to develop. This vision is very experimental and breaks a lot of elementary game design rules and formulas (such as multiplayer games needing character progression [early/middle/end game]). Your ideas basically carry the message of "These rules and formulas can never be broken or deviated away from if you want a successful game." People are bashing your ideas because you're saying something can't happen without specific elements, when according to the huge success of the game thus far, they clearly can. 3) I don't know who you are, and I don't know what specific skills you possess, so I could be entirely wrong when I say this, but I'm assuming that you've never actually developed or helped contribute to the development of a game. The alpha has been out for about four days, and since its release, three patches have been released. Of those three patches, two of them included battery licking. The first battery patch introduced the ability to actually lick a battery, and the second fixed a bug that licking batteries introduced. The first battery patch also included a large number of other changes, including a number of changes that tightened security holes, preventing hackers and exploiters from ruining the game for others. How many development hours do you think were attributed to battery-licking, and how many development hours do you think were attributed to patching exploits? I'll give you a hint: One of them is much more difficult to do than the other, and adding a new option to a dynamic entity in the ArmA engine is much easier than patching security holes in the engine itself.
  7. Nalestom

    This game will only be a niche .....

    That's very mature of you. ;)
  8. Nalestom

    This game will only be a niche .....

    Why are you insulting people for disagreeing with your opinion? Just because somebody thinks your ideas are illogical for this type of game, doesn't mean they're a troll. It also doesn't mean that they're thirteen and used their allowance to buy the game. Insulting people who disagree with you only discredits your own argument. Also, having an extensive history with MMOs doesn't automatically qualify you as an expert on game design, particularly when your history includes games that aren't at all similar to the one you're trying to give an opinion on.
  9. Nalestom

    Walking Speed

    Running up the side of a steep hill (much less a mountain) is very difficult in real life - you know exactly what I'm talking about if you've ever tried it before. It's exhausting and slow, but it can be done. It is much easier to run around a mountain or run in a serpentine pattern up it than it is to just sprint up the hill.
  10. Nalestom

    This game will only be a niche .....

    Neither EverQuest I nor II are sandbox games. And on that note, the only thing that "MMO" means is Massively Multiplayer Online. DayZ falls under that single acronym because there are a large number of people playing the game in the same world, on the same server. Nowhere under the acronym "MMO" is there a requirement of early, middle, or late game. Nowhere under that acronym is a requirement for classes or factions. Nowhere under that acronym is a requirement (or a stigma!) of "grinding" for gear. Nowhere under that acronym is a requirement for levels, skills, abilities, or mana. The acronym "MMO" doesn't mean shit. Stop advertising it as something that it isn't.
  11. Nalestom

    Map Help

    This is because the DayZDB just put the map up a few days ago - I believe their team is working on compiling loot locations as we speak, so check back in a few days or weeks for those. That being said, the map is still extremely useful, as it has up-to-date locations of wells (which you can safely drink from, for now) as well as locations of numerous military bases throughout the map. So again, to clarify: You can't search for any specific loot using DayZDB's map just yet. Hopefully, they'll have that ability soon.
  12. Nalestom

    Mosin 9130

    Just keep searching military bases for the Mosin. Occasionally, you'll also find one in homes and farms - I've actually found the majority of mine inside of broken-down cars, believe it or not.
  13. Nalestom

    5 Tips for survival!

    Hey guys! I've been playing the DayZ mod for quite a long time and have played an obscene amount of the standalone so far, so I figured I'd make a video with a few quick tips for the newer players that will help you guys survive! You can watch the video here Thanks so much!
  14. Nalestom

    5 Tips for survival!

    Loot is supposed to respawn over time, it's just disabled at the moment (I'm assuming because they're working on fine-tuning it.) I never said I advocated server-hopping for loot, I said that I recommend changing servers if you're finding absolutely nothing no matter what town you search. Perhaps I should have made that a bit more clear...
  15. Nalestom

    5 Tips for survival!

    Thank you!
  16. Nalestom

    Mosin Nagant?

    Any location that spawns military loot is bound to spawn a Mosin and ammo eventually, so barracks are the best place to look for them. It's a really nice weapon, and I much prefer it over the M4 because of the higher damage and longer range - especially if you manage to find a nice scope to go with it!
  17. Nalestom

    Found Walkie Talkie

    I also found a walkie talkie and tried to put a battery in it, but it didn't work and I never saw any options to actually use it.
  18. Nalestom

    Suggestion: Write on bloodbags?

    I'm going to choose to believe that this was a joke, and not serious.
  19. Regarding finding the same items over and over again - this is likely due to the fact that half the items currently aren't in the loot tables left. There are still dozens of weapons that have to be implemented, as well as vehicle parts and more tools, so the loot tables are a bit screwed up at the moment. I wouldn't take anything you see in regards to loot rarity too seriously at the moment, simply because there are a lot more items to be added to the loot tables that could make some of these current items much rarer.
  20. Nalestom


    Please enlighten us as to how you know what the devs want.
  21. Nalestom


    Please enlighten us as to how this game works.
  22. Until the game gives me a reason to think twice about killing somebody in order to survive, I'm not going to stop. If I see somebody and don't have an immediate need for food or water, I'm not going to kill them - that's not how I play the game. However, if I do need food or water and see no immediate alternative, I will do what is necessary in order for me to survive. I would avoid labeling players who kill others on sight as "assholes." Just because somebody is playing the game differently from how you are, doesn't make them wrong - much less an asshole. I don't think that I'm hardcore, nor do I think my style of play is hardcore. I don't kill others to put it in my next montage, and I don't plan on going to Dreamhack or MLG for the DayZ National Championship. I play the game how I want to play it because I think it is fun, and what is an isn't "fun" is completely subjective. I don't understand how this is a difficult concept. As I have said before, just because you play the game a certain way, doesn't mean that the vast majority of players don't play the game that same way. Just because you give food freely to other players, doesn't mean that 90% of other players will do the same. This is a psychological instance known as "availability heuristic". Whether or not killing other players on sight is lame is irrelevant. It's a style of play, and nothing you or I can say will prevent people from playing the game how they want to play it. In my brief experience with the SA, it doesn't seem that killing players damages the food - if it does, that would be a slight incentive to not kill people for the food and drink they carry.
  23. Groups and societies formed because it was easier to gather and kill food as a group, as opposed to gathering and killing food as an individual. Not only that, but groups and societies were essential to humanity because they provided a means for reproduction. Until sex and farming are implemented into DayZ, there is nothing that a group can do that a single individual can't do. You're not allowed to tell me what I can and can't do in the sandbox. Please keep that in mind when you respond.
  24. If you always share your food with somebody who needs it, that's great! That is entirely your decision to play that way, and I completely encourage you to continue playing the game how you wish to play it. However, it is important to note that very few people share your style of gameplay, and so the chances of me meeting a person like you are slim to none. If I'm in the middle of a forest, with no town nearby, and I'm about to starve to death, I am faced with an ultimatum: find a source of food, or die. When I see you walking through the forest, armed to the teeth, I have a decision to make: Take a huge risk and reveal myself to you, hoping that you'll see me (who is also armed to the teeth) and decide to help me, not shoot me. If I take this route, most players will shoot me on sight and loot my body for the few resources I have, although there is a very small chance that you will be friendly and help me out. The chances do not weight in my favor. Take a smaller risk and use the element of surprise to open fire and kill you. The first few shots I take will be disorienting, as you won't know my location while I know exactly where you are. I will also have a relatively long time to make an accurate shot, so the chances of you dying while I live unscathed are relatively high.As you can see, the second option has a much higher chance of survival than the first. I enjoy surviving. I'm going to take the second option. My choice isn't a reflection of my style of gameplay as much as it is a reflection of the current state of the game. The simple fact of the matter is that I have a much higher chance of surviving if I shoot first, ask questions later, especially if I'm armed and have a dire need for food, water, or blood. The only person who can really change this is Rocket and the rest of the Bohemia Interactive team. No matter how much people complain on the forums or in-game, people like me will exist unless we're given incentive to change.
  25. Nalestom

    Player classes...or professions

    This is a very interesting idea, and I think that it would definitely give more incentive for players to group up. My three concerns with a class or skill system is 1) making specific tasks exclusive to a single class, 2) making all classes relatively balanced, and 3) giving all players a specific class. 1) If I'm a doctor, that doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to skin a rabbit or gather meat from a cow. I should not be any less proficient at survival skills than a regular survivor; I should be more proficient at specific tasks. For example, a doctor can give a blood transfusion with less risk of disease, or a hunter will get more/better quality meat from an animal after skinning it. 2) All classes should be useful. The last thing we want is for people to spawn as an "underpowered" class and kill themselves, hoping for a better class the next time they respawn. Spawning as a specific class should be a bonus for that life, not a detriment. 3) You shouldn't spawn as a specific class every single time you respawn. There should be a default survivor class that is similar to the one we currently have, and there should be a small chance that you spawn as a different class. This ties into my second concern, as we don't want people committing suicide constantly in the hopes of getting a specific class.