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About aycardus

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  1. Hello everyone! About 3-4 months ago I was told about DayZ. A month later I bought ArmA 2 CO and began to play. I played DayZ for about a month, then got distracted with a realism unit playing the A.C.E. mod. If you don't know what a realism unit is, I'll explain it now. A realism unit is basically a group of people who take a existing military from whatever country they choose, and bring it into the game. They do everything that military does, except they do it in ArmA. I do not have a name for us, but we will all decide that later on. I want to be able to use those formations, and tactics I learned in the realism units, and bring them into the group and DayZ. I need people who want to get well immersed into DayZ. We will be building a camp and what not. I need people who can be mature about things because we will get raided eventually. I don't want someone screaming into the mic and blowing out my eardrums because someone raided us. Yes, we are going to be a bit pissed off, but I want people who can move on and get back to building a new camp. About me: You can call me Marshall. I'm 15 and I live in Southern California. Like I said above, I played DayZ for about a month, then got distracted with some realism units. I was in the 1st Marine Division unit, and still currently in the Task Force 313 unit. My computer sucks, and doesn't work well with the A.C.E. mod, so it's hard for me to play with them. None of them want to get into DayZ for some reason, so that's why I'm here. Again, I learned a bunch of tactics, formations, etc. from both of those units, so I'm hoping we can use those in the group. In total, I think I have about 3-4 months of ArmA 2 experience. Requirements: Before I say anything, I know a lot of us have school and work, and I'm totally fine with that. I personally have school and I can't play much right now because I don't have any NVG's, so I can only play a little bit until it gets dark in-game. I can play all the time on the weekends though, but anyways. If you can't be on all the time, I totally understand. All I ask is that you contribute to the group, Whether it be getting us a lot or a little bit of supplies, or helping us locate stuff, etc. I'm totally happy with that. Clear and working Microphone Active (Look at the paragraph above if you haven't done so.) Loyal Mature Patient 15+ years of age or older. Skype Able to take orders when given. I may make an exception with the age limit if you might have a sibling or friend that wants to join. Just make them seem likeable :P. How to contact me: You can either contact me here on dayzmod.com or on skype. Make sure you tell me what kind of experience you have with ArmA and why you want to join, and what kind of role in the squad you would like, etc. Skype: Aycardus
  2. aycardus

    Worst Way You Ever Died

    One morning my brother and I got up early. We spent about 3 hours scavenging towns up north. This was the first time we both made it up north, so we were pretty excited. We were looking down at Gorka when my best friend had signed on. He was in Stary and we told him we would meet up there. About halfway to Stary my friend starts screaming in the mic, there was a chopper circling above the tents in Stary. As I got closer I saw the chopper and they had been dropping off their team mates. My brother and I quickly raced to the area where the enemies were and we saw a sniper up on the hill looking in the direction of where my friend was. My brother had a winchester, so he started firing on the sniper. As soon as he started shooting the sniper immediatly got up, ran to the nearest bush, and Alt-F4'd. We kept our eyes on the bush, the chopper nowhere to be seen. The sniper got back on, only to be taking bullets from my brother. Sniper Alt-F4'd again. This time my friend and I ran to a small area of trees and layed down. After aabout 5 minutes of waiting, the chopper is back. We watch it, and boom, it crashes into the hill near us. All three of us got up and ran for that chopper. Bang, bang, bang. We were all down. Little did we know that the chopper had been dropping in people around us, and those people hid on the hills around us. I'm sure these guys were spawning items, because they all had Ghillies and sniper rifles. That was a fun day.
  3. Yes, I have Irish blood in me. If that counts. :P
  4. Hello there! I've been playing DayZ for about 3 weeks now and ridin' solo just isn't fun for me. Since I started I wanted to be in a group and within the past few days I thought, woah, what about a military group or clan? What I'm looking for: - A military structured clan. - US Based -A clan that will actually LAST and not split up the next day or two. About me: I'm 15 years old and live in California. I can play almost all day due to being on summer vacation. I do plan on joining the US Army or Air Force right out of highschool. Haven't decided which one yet, although I prefer the US Army. Because of my age and no military service, I doubt anyone will recruit me, but I thought I might as well try.
  5. aycardus

    Crop Growing/Harvesting

  6. aycardus

    An-2 Colt (Large Biplane)

    Yes. I totally agree, I was just about to make a thread, but used the websites search engine and found this thread.
  7. aycardus

    Looking for Dayz Squad

    I'm also looking for a squad, I'm 15 and I live in California in the US.
  8. aycardus

    Looking for a small group to roam with.

    I'm interested, will we be making camp? I'm 15 and live in California, I can play all day and every day. Skype: Aycardus
  9. I've been DayZ for about a week now. I know how to get around Chenaurus. I'm looking for a Squad of roughly 4-6 people. I'm 15 and live in California, I can play all day, and every day. I'd prefer you are from the US or Canada, and that you are somewhat active. I can download teamspeak or ventrilo, but I'd prefer to use Skype. PM me!
  10. aycardus

    Makin' a permanent team.

    The 5+ hours daily isn't required, although I'd rather we played for 3-10 hours, instead of 1.
  11. I've been playing DayZ for a week now and it's getting boring having to play solo all the time. My two other friends and I decided we would like to make a 5-10 person team. Requirements -15 years old or older -Skype -Need to be able to play for long periods of time -Prefer you live in the US We are looking for active, fun, and cooperative people. People that can take a joke, people that can formulate a good and awesome plan, and people that don't complain. We were also thinking of splitting the team into roles. We have 1-3 snipers, a fire team, and some scouts. Everyone will be able to switch roles if they feel they may be better at something else. Application In-game name: Nickname: (What do you want us to call you by) Age: Desired role: DayZ Experience: (How long have you played? Are you good at the role you picked?) Additional information: Once accepted, I'll send you my skype info through private message.