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Fallen Soull

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About Fallen Soull

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Fallen Soull

    Friend Banned

    Hi, I have been informed by a friend that he was banned and he has no idea what from as he hasn't been on for a few months. Was there a glitch in there servers awhile back that accidently banned people? If not is there a way we can see what he was banned for? If so what information do i need to supply to get it checked. Thanks
  2. i tend to get better in the morning or during the day EDIT: This is pathetic how long its taking i have been sitting in this server for at least 5 minutes and it still has not loaded. When will these loading times be fixed?
  3. Hi i was just wondering why the australian and new zeland servers take so long to load character / spawn into game. I have re-installed battle eye made no difference. Also i have tried other servers that are located in the US and Uk and loads almost instant. So any help on this would be good. Thanks
  4. Fallen Soull

    Graphic Issue

    Ok i was running towards some town i can't spell on an english keyboard and as i was running i notice some really bad graphic issues so i have decided to record it and show you the exact location and what is possibly the cause. I belive it's coming from the dead military soldiers. I have noticed this at othere towns but i didnt get there names. Youtube URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05K6ReJntA4&feature=youtube_gdata