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About zane

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  1. i cant agree more with the OP food, canteens, ammo, weapons, tools, ... need to be more scarce + zombies need to be more lethal, not necesarily need more of them.
  2. They are nerfed. Just shot a player in the head with a bolt and he didn't die. Bolt was sticking out through his nose... Sure hope they get it back to what it was adding stacked ammo (5 bolts per stack perhaps). It's my favorite hunting weapon in the game, silent and deadly. Well, not so deadly now though
  3. zane

    Day Z Wallpapers

    bump, keep it up folks. great stuff in here ;)
  4. zane

    Tape #11: 05-21-2012

    Hey Isaac, you planning on doing more of these? It's brilliant!
  5. zane

    Day Z Wallpapers

    i just use the DayZ logo on the top of this forum (right click > use as background) centered with a black background to it
  6. Having the very same issue, after some dabbling with the beta patch for arma and getting kicked for battle eye not recognizing the latest beta patch the game just gets stuck on loading. wish i didn't go and install that OA beta patch :( was playing just fine beforehand now it's all screwed up :(
  7. zane

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    Option #2: Simple, mysterious and to the point for people who know about the game
  8. zane

    Respawn and Die

    same here, mailed
  9. zane

    Respawn and Die

    have the same issues... think the main server is screwing up entries or something
  10. zane

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    sounds great mate, can't wait for the release
  11. zane

    Tape #11: 05-21-2012

    this is just friggin great. nice work!!