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Everything posted by Yatagan

  1. Agree'd. You can drag/carry passed out people, you should be able to do so to broken leg people. It makes breaking your leg with a friend have a great advantage over being alone. Then your friend can set you down and you cover him while they get morphine. :)
  2. Yatagan

    bulletproof vest spawning

    I agree. I think, since ballistics are already there so strong in this game, that instead of just 'extra protection' like most games would do it, it should actually stop some bullets. Small rifle calibers and handgun rounds. Makarov, 9m, pellets, etc. And medium rounds at long range. Instead of dealing damage, it greatly reduces your accuracy, perhaps affects your vision, and potentially breaks ribs, permanantly altering accuracy. (Until fixed by morphine) I think enchanced vest mecanics, and no longer spawning with them would be awesome. That way a guy can empty his makarov into your chest and you're totally fine. It would make finding one very important.
  3. I think it would greatly increase having to choose what you carry initially if you spawned without a backpack. Make the 6 and 8 slot ones spawn a lot more, but don't start with one. Then you would really have to worry about inventory until you locate a bag, forcing you to scavenge more.
  4. Yatagan

    Spawn without a backpack.

    You should probably start a seperate thread for discussion of the bullet proof vest. :P
  5. Yatagan


    I thought they needed to be removed before, but since the glitch has kicked up I think they need to removed RIGHT now. Perhaps added back in later as part of a bigger process, but currently they are used 99% for trolling and blocking rooms for no reason. Hotfix to remove them ASAP, possibly adding them back in down the road.
  6. Thiiiiis. We need legit bandits, not dicks who just mow down everything that moves. I have yet to be robbed or anything like that, which would be AWESOME. I either meet someone and we go our seperate ways (RARE) or I drop dead out of nowhere from a single burst of bullets.
  7. Yatagan

    Crowbar needs higher damage

    I think crowbars should still be weak, but be a secondary weapon, and players should start with them. (But less other gear)
  8. I think the seperation of bullets and magazines would be cool, but I'm not sure how easily he could change that. I think all nightvision/flashlights do need to be battery powered. This seems like it's planned as flashlights say what batteries they 'need' already. The one I agree with most is more dynamic loot spawns. Even just a crashed car with some loot by it or something. Doesn't have to be a fancy military vehicle.
  9. Yatagan

    Please make hatchet secondary weapon too!

    Even though it's stronger than half the guns in the game, and only one of two melee weapons?We need SOMETHING to melee with in the secondary slot.
  10. Yatagan

    Please make hatchet secondary weapon too!

    I do think there needs to be some kind of melee secondary. Swapping from rifle to hatched is slow and clunky and gets you killed with this engine. We need a melee secondary at some point for sure. I think keep the hatched a primary, as it's a very strong melee, by maybe allow crowbar or something as secondary. Then give it to us to start so we aren't defenseless, but in turn take away our backpacks and painkillers?
  11. So you'd be a more legit bandit. Which we do need some of. But it seems like everyone plays like this. And how do you kill? Do you just take a single shot from long range? Because that's not sport, that's just you randomly killing a guy in cold blood. That's why I think people who get all worked up about how cool hunting in real life is are weird. You shot a deer from 400m away? NO WAY YOU'RE LIKE AMAZING!You should shoot towards people so they freak out and run, then hunt them. That would be sport. Albeit the bottom rung of banditry, it's still not just random killing for the lulz.
  12. Yatagan


    The issue with Humanity, or any measure of intention in this game is that it can't be accurate. There is no simple way for the computer to accurately determine if you're fighting in self defense, or killing people for teh lulz. I have 3 murders on my guy right now, (1 bandit kill) and all 3 were in self defense. They shot at me and I shot back. Am I a bandit to the game now? Because I'm anything but.
  13. That's exactly our point. They say they are creating a zombie survival game, yet the current feel and playstyle of this game is basically entirely PvP in an open world map.
  14. Yatagan

    Bring back global chat

    I think Rocket just needs to bring TrayArk in here so they can help finish this up in a few weeks and players will finally get their hands on the next COD game.
  15. If my 10 days here have taught my anything, it's that this isn't a zombie survival game. It's an open world PvP game. What the creators say they are going for, yet what they do is entirely opposite of eachother. Survival should encourage cooperation amongst players. Seeing someone and getting in a gun fight with bandits would be rare, though still happen plenty. Most people would group up, maybe trade. Still cautious of eachother, but not guns-a-blazin' constantly. However this game is currently just a giant PvP arena. I hope it's worked on and changed vigorously over the coming months.
  16. Yatagan

    Removal of Sniper Rifles and Silenced guns.

    I think snipers are fine. Ever run up to a guy holding a sniper rifle? He can't do anything to you. Ergo it has advantages and disadvantages. I think silenced weapons should exist, but they should be made VERY rare because it really is a MASSIVE advantage. I've seen way too many of them in my 9-10 days of play. So leave snipers the same, but make silenced guns more rare.
  17. Yatagan

    Was 'Killed' vs 'Murdered'?

    Yeah that's why I'm kind of in the middle on this... I think it needs to go one way or the other. Either destinguish 'killed' and 'murdered' or not show up at all. But as it was stated, it very well could be hardcoded.
  18. Might I suggest to all the people using the 'it's an alpha, so go away' card, that that's WHY they are making this suggestion. He is voicing his opinion. Rocket is trying no respawns, he is saying he doesn't like it. If you disagree state that, but don't say he should make suggestions because we're in alpha. That's why we're here. Now it is a bit extreme when people say 'I'm leaving and never coming back because this sucks' because it is in alpha, and it will change a lot. But dont hate on the suggestions simply because they're there. Seriously. This is one of the most daft and aimlessly hateful communities I have ever seen.
  19. Yatagan

    .22 LR

    While I agree that starting defenseless is far to my disliking, I think a gun is too much. Give everyone a crowbar.
  20. Yatagan

    Blood Trails

    Indeed. Blood trails would be great if you wound someone and they run off around a corner or something. :D
  21. Yatagan

    Remove Wilderness Spawn

    1. Spawn in wilderness. 2. Pick a direction and run that way. ANY direction. 3. Find town easily within 10-15 minutes of sprinting. 4. Stand still while zombies eat you. 5. ???? 6. Profit. I like the removal of the spawn button, and it really is easy to die on purpose in this game. I've never had trouble with it.
  22. Yatagan


    This. I think it was removed because it was inaccurate. Even with the latest update; I have 2 murders and 1 bandit killed, and all 3 people I killed attacked me first... I have more 'murders' than 'bandits', so to the game, am I a bandit?
  23. Yatagan

    Suggestion: Play Dead

    I already do that since you can pass out and other things and it's hard to tell if someone is dead. I've had too many people get back up on me, so I make sure they don't anymore.I think a feign death thing would be great. Agree.
  24. Yatagan

    DayZ FOR XBOX 360!!

    Or Kindle Fire.
  25. So the players should have the option to make their objective to cage themselves into an arena fight. You said it yourself.