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Everything posted by twinsenstwinsens@gmail.com

  1. that would be epic, all the red makes it hard to see the restart warnings. top server panda, appreciate all the hard work :thumbsup:
  2. bombs away! name: 'O' location: south-east, UK guid: ad31709d41860cad7330829fe7795d4d
  3. twinsenstwinsens@gmail.com

    Six Launcher still on v1.7.2.4

    having same issues. any advice appreciated.
  4. twinsenstwinsens@gmail.com

    A new guy says "hi"

    best piece of advice i can offer is... get a hatchet. chopping zeds is the way to go.
  5. twinsenstwinsens@gmail.com

    @Mike on US 2135 Dallas... The beast of Cherno.

    there is someone called micheal01 veiwing this! pls be him!
  6. twinsenstwinsens@gmail.com

    Predator... no im serious, read...

    if the leaderboards ever go back up the folks alive the longest are going to be like the "Big Game" for some bandits, a bit like "The Running Man" (more the book than the movie) :P
  7. twinsenstwinsens@gmail.com

    Mongrel Dog Thing With Sweet Loot?

    Bo-Nocs are an item from the "Assassination Of U2's Lead Singer" scenario for Arma2 I've been working on in secret (or so i thought...)
  8. twinsenstwinsens@gmail.com

    Dear Derp 1 and Derp 2

  9. twinsenstwinsens@gmail.com

    DayZ UFOs at Elektro!

    ^ lol. i hate that guy(in the picture.)
  10. twinsenstwinsens@gmail.com

    What does Mountain Dew do?

    wtb dr.pepper
  11. twinsenstwinsens@gmail.com

    DayZ UFOs at Elektro!

    anti-bearcraft mines.
  12. twinsenstwinsens@gmail.com

    Firepower to the People: my new end game plan

    the right to arm noobs? what is the right arm for a noob? also be careful of armed noobs.
  13. twinsenstwinsens@gmail.com

    Free Items :D

    i'll take the regular flashlight only. :P
  14. twinsenstwinsens@gmail.com

    More functions from combining items

    bump for this idea!
  15. twinsenstwinsens@gmail.com

    Some of the units....

    the post apocalypse types look like they'd fit (so to speak)
  16. twinsenstwinsens@gmail.com

    I tried to commit but this guy was adamant that I stay alive [video]

    :thumbsup: fantastic.
  17. twinsenstwinsens@gmail.com

    How to make an ALT-F4 Macro?

    I lol'd
  18. twinsenstwinsens@gmail.com

    Combat logging: Am I guilty or innocent?

    alot of the server hopping stuff is because of the issues with gamespy and the sixlauncher, if I only played on the servers which admins had actually responded to PMs/have good ping/no dumb -1000 FPS issues then i'd be on twice a week... maybe. I've always hung about in the PvP sandbox end of the playground and I'd be the last person to deny someone they're hard earned lewts :) but if the pizza hut delivery arrives while someone, somewhere is shooting at... something, dont expect me to hang around just because you might be shooting at me. there will be a fix for this alt-f4ing, some folks will leave no doubt but the DayZ experience will be more authentic (IMO anyway.)
  19. twinsenstwinsens@gmail.com

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    still need morphine in elekro area... done alot of crawling :D EDIT: dont have skype/steam so please PM for location.
  20. twinsenstwinsens@gmail.com

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    anyone with morphine around Kamyshovo? pm me if you can help ;)
  21. twinsenstwinsens@gmail.com

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    any medics around Kamyshovo? got the old oneshot broken leg off a zombo :blush: i've got a mountain dew for the friendly soul out there that hears my plea! (just dont drink it and you'll be fine.) :P
  22. twinsenstwinsens@gmail.com

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    i'd dig a transfusion. have a bloodpack, south central region PM me as i dont have a skype or anything.
  23. twinsenstwinsens@gmail.com

    we need vampirez

    can't jump in arma, nice troll btw :rolleyes:
  24. twinsenstwinsens@gmail.com

    Traders and Traitors

    traded with this fellow http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/user/65638-561tmoney/ everything went smooth.