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About [email protected]

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. that would be epic, all the red makes it hard to see the restart warnings. top server panda, appreciate all the hard work :thumbsup:
  2. bombs away! name: 'O' location: south-east, UK guid: ad31709d41860cad7330829fe7795d4d
  3. having same issues. any advice appreciated.
  4. best piece of advice i can offer is... get a hatchet. chopping zeds is the way to go.
  5. there is someone called micheal01 veiwing this! pls be him!
  6. if the leaderboards ever go back up the folks alive the longest are going to be like the "Big Game" for some bandits, a bit like "The Running Man" (more the book than the movie) :P
  7. Bo-Nocs are an item from the "Assassination Of U2's Lead Singer" scenario for Arma2 I've been working on in secret (or so i thought...)
  8. ^ lol. i hate that guy(in the picture.)
  9. anti-bearcraft mines.
  10. the right to arm noobs? what is the right arm for a noob? also be careful of armed noobs.
  11. i'll take the regular flashlight only. :P
  12. the post apocalypse types look like they'd fit (so to speak)