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About xM4rk

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    On the Coast
  1. xM4rk

    AS50 TSW on this heli spawn

    Correct me if I am wrong, but you can pick it up, without getting banned. As long as you are not the one spawning it into the game, you can use it.
  2. xM4rk

    So what just happened to me?

    Sorry, I read that wrong. I see what you are saying now. And yes, the hacker(s) would have just spawned a new heli, as you mentioned.
  3. xM4rk

    So what just happened to me?

    Yes, but crashed helis are not the same as repairable helis. You can go to dayzdb.com/map to see where flyable helis can spawn.
  4. xM4rk

    So what just happened to me?

    I have been told that you can only have 1 fixed (flyable) heli per server. I am not sure this is true or not, but I chose to believe it.
  5. xM4rk

    Slow Zombies

    Holy wall. TL:DL?