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Yurik (DayZ)

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About Yurik (DayZ)

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  1. Yurik (DayZ)

    US 1038 TX

    What time would be good for you? Since apparently everyone needs to play on your schedule
  2. Yurik (DayZ)

    US 1038 TX

  3. Yurik (DayZ)

    US 1038 TX

    Abusing Admins got schooled by a furry. Works for me.
  4. Yurik (DayZ)

    TY hackers.... no really... ty

    Continue profiting from the hacker, it really helps your case as the "victims" I'm glad you posted this here so everyone can see.
  5. Yurik (DayZ)

    TY hackers.... no really... ty

    Exploiters thanking Hackers. What a wonderful world.
  6. Yurik (DayZ)

    US 863 Hacking

    Getting attached to your gear in an Alpha. Priceless.
  7. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/46-server-reporting/
  8. Yurik (DayZ)

    US 1038 TX

    Anti-cheat software to immediately blacklist Admins like this who are cheating? I agree, this should be developed post haste!
  9. If your story is actually legitimate, and I really hope it isn't. All I can do is give you two pieces of advice. 1. There's no such thing as a "wallet inspector" 2. If someone asks you for all the little numbers (lets call it your Card ID) on your credit card, please please don't give it to them.
  10. She has more posts than you, therefore she is 100% more believable. Fact.
  11. I have 0 problem with servers being locked five minutes before/after an update. Only really concerned about the ones that are locked for days with the same three - five people always on them.
  12. Server owners are 100% free to lock their servers. In return, Rocket is 100% free to blacklist said servers from the Hive, meaning that the servers will no longer be linked to legitimate servers with legitimate players. Seems fair to me, if they want to lock a server and play with their five friends, then those are the only people they will ever play with. If you had to find weapons/items in Counter Strike instead of buying them and the game maps were 1000% larger your argument may hold some water. Again, these players can lock their server and play alone, but the tradeoff is that they won't be able to interact with the Hive and keep their ill gotten gear on real servers.
  13. Yurik (DayZ)

    Possible admin abuse -US 273- (Video)

    Not when the only crime is a player looting their stuff. Incorrect. These kind of admins are what this subforum was made for.
  14. So you have proof of him hacking, that you can post here right?
  15. Yurik (DayZ)

    DE 292 locked?

    Sorry, but I was still correct here in my answer to his question. Thanks for trying!