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About Shakawkaw

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Somewhere in Chernarus

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  1. Hi, looking for some mature players with some dayz experience to sweep the coast (cherno mainly) killing snipers and other bandits. If you are the type of player that disconnects to save gear or to flank using server hoping please don't bother! I'm looking for some honourable and loyal players to team up with. You can be sure I'll always have your back and in case of danger I will never leave the server, I will not leave you behind, no matter what even if I get killed and I expect the same from you. My type of game is based on sniper, so stealth as shit and lots of flanking. We will not ever kill unarmed players and will always think about every kill before we shot, so please, calm and quite players are appreciated. I'm currently in the hills of cherno with some bandits on my scope. I play mainly in European servers since I'm portuguese. If you don't have gear thats not an issue, we will find you something. Hope to ear from you guys, lets go get those lame ass bandits! Oh, one more other thing, my speaking english might be a little rusty, be patience with me! Good game y'all
  2. Shakawkaw

    Portugal Players

    mais um tuga.... :)
  3. i think the main idea behind weld post was.... share with thy brothers and sisters! but eh, it's just me :P
  4. Shakawkaw

    Give me your BEANS or your SERVER gets it!!

    non sense criticism is underrated :( here... my beans :beans:
  5. Shakawkaw

    Dayz = PvP

    i agree with most of what you say, but we have to take into account one thing. ofc this is a pvp game but theres a difference between killing a fully equipped guy or a guy with an hatchet or inferior weaponry... i never engage any player that doesn't represent any immediate threat to me, unless i want that weapon he is carrying or theres a chance i might find on him the gear i want, or even because he is going to loot the same place my team has planned to. because truth be said, if i don't kill him, he will, so why take the risk and put in jepardy my gear over his, and my team over him\his team. it all comes down to if someones threats mine and my team pve... he is gonna get shot, no questions asked, no blabbler, no nothing. but ofc theres much to do in dayz other than killing players, but i think the combination is damn great!
  6. Shakawkaw

    Good Video Card Upgrade

    i have a EVGA GTX560 Ti OC Classified which makes it similar to 570... and I5 3750K ivy with 4Gb DDR3 and I don't know why but can't run dayz with everything in ultra and top res with decent fps... don't know whats missing in my config but i'm guessing its the poor arma 2 engine's fault.
  7. Shakawkaw

    Overwatch pays Off

    nice... never had the chance to snipe anyone till death... last night i shot a guy and he disconnected... happens most of times when you miss the one shot one kill rule.
  8. hello. want a svd camo plus ammo for my sniper. we will give any of the following items. GPS Gillie NVG Tent Backpack Coyote Frag Grenades Antibiotics Toolbox -- L85 M4A1 SD M16A2 M203 FN FAL M240 M249 SAW DMR M107 AS50 M9SD MP5SD6 Hatchet Mags for everything. Cheers
  9. Shakawkaw

    How to use Range Finder? (Yes I am noob)

    thanks, you helped me too, it worked... the nvg was getting dropped instead of the binoculars. cheers
  10. he might be a good neighbour and keep his hands of your stuff... otherwise you might just pick his shit too :P
  11. i have one m107 with mags if you give me the range finder... i dont want the m24!
  12. Shakawkaw

    Arma 2 will not update to build 95883

    it worked for me too. thanks
  13. Shakawkaw

    Starting group for older guys

    anyone from europe?
  14. Shakawkaw

    Looking for a team mate SNIPER

    Yeah, forgot to say that I'm from europe... and thats a requisite for my partner because of the ping
  15. hi.. i'm looking for a relative good sniper for some covert ops here and there, night or day... just a two player's team wondering around sneaky sneaky.