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quint (DayZ)

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Everything posted by quint (DayZ)

  1. quint (DayZ)

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

  2. And why were you banned? Edit: Nm server adv.
  3. Here it is bud Preecey = 1 Cainey = 1 Powelley = 1 Sander = 1 amarkman = 1 Jenkins = 1 Tom = 1 ThunderFap = 3 Ed = 3 Dz I Brad = 1 Gratz to our winners!
  4. want to add a family member: gafec31b261766e3d8d9f9cb936c68a2
  5. Name: QUINT Location: USA GUID:1b8ada6fdcebabd28570e02a1c294b6d Why I want to play: Really trying to get back into dayz. Public hives are a no go unfortunately (to many cheaters). So here is to hoping I can play on a fine privet hive!
  6. Umm... random. But I still watched it till the ending.
  7. 1. Download NFOpad (Your going to need it to open and edit a file) 2. Right click "edit with NFOpad" - Mydocuments/ArmA2/"yourname".ArmA2OAProfile 3. Once you have open the file scroll all the way down until you see "sceneComplexity=" 4. Change the value after the "=" to "100000" (ex. sceneComplexity=100000) Worked for me so far. No artifacts. Good luck. Edit: It will come back eventually after sometime. When it does just toggle vsync on/off.
  8. Okay, cots (like the one in the link below) should be the only way to save a players position. With out you "sleeping" on the cot when you log out you will find your self spawned on the coast
  9. quint (DayZ)

    Disconnecting fix/Ghosting fix? "ALT+F4".

    It really don't matter what the item is. I just would like to see the idea to implemented.
  10. quint (DayZ)

    Disconnecting fix/Ghosting fix? "ALT+F4".

    Okay, cots (like the one in the link below) should be the only way to save a players position. With out you "sleeping" on the cot when you log out you will find your self spawned on the coast. Pic of a cot: http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSluxy7paWn4RqpxWwNOwwb49PML2zme-aCZc0Z0ooB6UtpPxUarYxgC1H8
  11. quint (DayZ)

    Hacked, Or Not Hacked?

    what kind of M4A1?
  12. quint (DayZ)

    I'm so pissed right now. -.-

    They just want a reaction, and your giving it to em. If every one never reacted to being killed by a hacker, and just brushed it off. Guaranty their would be less hacking in general.
  13. quint (DayZ)


    POPCORN! Get your popcorn here!
  14. Playing on US 838 yesterday. Died re-spawned found a V3S full of the normal shit AS50, M16, DMR etc... But I also find a M4A1 Holo SD with Tac light & under slung M203. Now I have been playing DayZ for some time now and had my hands on some of the higher end weapons in the game but I have never seen this weapon before? Is this a legit weapon?
  15. Took a closer look it's not a SD version on the wiki..
  16. Just found this on the DayZ Wiki: http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/M4A1_Holo