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About tolya

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  1. tolya

    Arma 2 CO on gog promo

    Yeah. Oh, forgot about one thing: there is a strange registry quirk in gog's arma, but it got some attention already on the gog's forums: http://www.gog.com/en/forum/arma_series/is_the_arma_ii_release_here_contain_all_that_is_needed_to_be_compatible_with_the_day_z_mod/page2
  2. Hey guys, It seems like gog.com released Arma 2:CO (about time, really). Not much special about the release, apart from the 23$ promo it is on right now. They're boasting DRM free, but probably forgot that was removed from the game long ago. I got it out of steam-spite (FFFFFFFUUUUU) and it is a little bit user friendly for mod management (no stupid steam directories search). Works with six launcher and worrom's stuff too.
  3. If anything, the changes made the zombies easier. You can now lose them pretty easily, LOS makes it easier to plot a course around them and the fact that they can only walk through buildings... My advice for a newbie who is aggravated by no weapon spawns? Check a good loot map (like dayzdb.com), run to that town, crawl through the town's perimeter - after that city centres are mostly zombie free, single ones are easy to evade. If any zed starts chasing you, run through a building and you will lose him. With that, checking a few buildings for a weapon is laughably easy. If anything, the changes have made the game easier - once you learn how zeds work (and that is not some secret knowledge), they become more of a nuisance. What to do with it? Make all the guns as loud as a Lee Enfield. Right now I can shoot a zed with a 1911, and another zed 30 meters away will not notice. When I fired up the good old Enfield, entire town piled up on me and I had to scoot - that's how it should be. Guns against zeds should be defence only - right now, if you know what you are doing, you can carve a body ridden road of zeds into a town and out. Making towns more dangerous for gunfire would also ease up on the PvP in towns - right now it's a duck hunt. If someone would have to weight pros and cons of shooting someone (good loot vs. own security), maybe people would be more careful.
  4. Since people actually respawn until they hit the spawn point of their choosing, maybe it would be beneficial to add a feature to select your spawn point? Will probably lessen the master server load for creating of new characters. Also, I agree new spawns should be confined to the coasts. Cherno and Elektro are good places to start, and if you want something a little safer you can move inland at your discretion.
  5. tolya

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    The game became a survival horror again. I like all the changes. However, there are some valid points raised here - there are parts of zombie behaviour that are just due to bugs - like Brute Forsyth said a couple of posts above - and I agree with him, although I haven't yet experienced stuff like that. Calling people idiots and whiners because they bring attention to the buggy zombie behaviour is a prime example of idiocy that you are accusing someone else of. Zeds should do what the designers want them to do - no more and no less. Any bugs resulting in errant behaviour should be reported and dealt with. This is an alpha, so whining and complaining about features/bugs is part of the deal - if 9 out of 10 people would complain zeds are too hard, then maybe it needs adjusting. Because in the end, rocket himself decides on the direction he wants to take. He might take into account other people's opinions or not - entirely up to him, since it's his work. If he wants to add rainbow riding unicorns with RPG's then that's what he will do. And all you idiots telling other people to "stop whining or go play something else" will then become whiners themselves, complaining about how DayZ has gone to shit. So go fashion your online macho pretense somewhere else and stick to constructive feedback, since that's what this thread is about.
  6. tolya

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    All I could say to those bandits is: ooohh, poor carebear bandit, tried to kill someone but they disconnected. Go play COD instead you pansy. Either we agree that the general rule is "no rules" and everything goes (which is the reason I like DayZ so much) and any regulations are done server-side, or we start imposing artificial rules in a world that is, by definition, lawless.
  7. Bring them on. I actually for once like a game where I have to be careful when approaching a different player. And everytime I got killed' date=' it was due to my own tactical mistake in mishandling the situation, whether I faced a survivor, a bandit or a COD child. Murder is rare because we have deterrence policies and policing agencies. You, presumably, live in one of the first world countries where murder is pretty much rare. And actually, history and presence proves you WRONG. 1) Hutu/Tutsi massacre in Rwanda, 2) 11th century invasion of North Africa by Bedouin tribes turned the place into a desert (literally), 3) Ever heard of genocide in the former Yugoslavia? When Serbs started slaughtering muslims? Right now there isn't a village in Bosnia/Herzegovina where the cemetery isn't half the size of the village. Hell, there are cemeteries in Sarajevo that are placed under the freaking bridges for the lack of other available places. One entire football stadium has been converted into a cemetery, around 5000 people were massacred there 4) Massacre of polish officers in Katyn forest 5) tons of other stuff So please do not tell me, that humans strive to cooperate for better good. Humans form groups to have a better fighting chance against other groups. We are savage species, really. The only real difference that matters in DayZ is the number of players and communication problems, so that the people don't naturally merge into groups. That still happens though - friends team up (even to hunt other survivors!), it just requires a little bit more hassle. May I have a source of such a study? If you look at how pack animals work, you will learn that it is not uncommon for packs of wolves to fight each other over terrain/prey. Hell, even lemurs and praire dogs do that. And also consider the amount of infighting - everyone in the pack can challenge a member of the higher status. Beta wolves can challenge alpha wolves for control of the pack, Gamma's can try to become beta's etc. Again, the only difference here is that there are no big organized groups in DayZ. At least not on the daily basis, because if you run into an organized clan, you are pretty much screwed. Strawman. Human nature, similarly to nature of other animals, is to survive and propagate their genes to the next generation. We live in controlled societies (well, most of the people playing this game do), where individual/group needs are handled in a mostly non-violent way. We go to work, buy food, have children without having to chop off the head of the guy from the next village to steal his chickens. This hasn't (and isn't) always so, just look at the more impoverished regions. This is bullshit. Your theory is simply false. Just look at what happened in Germany in the mid-war period, starting from 1918 to 1939. And that is really a very drastic example. If your theory that a "single psychopath could lead an entire country of normal people to war" would be true, then humanity would be in the state of constant warfare, since there is no shortage of psychopaths in every country. Hitler was a catalyst, he would never happened if Germany wasn't literally squeezed dry by France and other victors. Hitler did push Germany to war, but the times were desperate - massive reparations that the country paid for losing the first world war resulted in food shortages, unemployment and rampant inflation. Just take a history book, it's all there. Oh, so I see. So USA invading Iraq didn't happen? So greek democratic city states never waged war on each other? Dude, I know that your biggest problem is the chemistry test tomorrow and whether your girlfriend is screwed by the quarterback of the football team, but do not extrapolate your own care-free (care-bear?) life to what is actually happening in the less fortunate parts of the world. Start studying history. Social studies are a fascinating subject too.
  8. I must admit I did it once. Because I've been trying to find a daylight server and jumped into a few night times, because there was no info on in-game time displayed on the server list (that would come in handy). And since I was in a barn I did checked every place. Didn't find much and was killed by zeds later anyway, so... Nah, leave server farmers to their fates. An extra can of beans doesn't give you a winning edge. Your brain does.
  9. Good riddance. I've been shot by survivors more so than by bandits, who at least show some signs of predictability (like reacting to your gear). With the amount of new players who still have COD carebear reflexes of shooting anything that moves. If someone stays for a while though, they quickly learn the hard way.
  10. tolya

    Should we scrap bandit models?

    Yes, I agree - scrap them as soon as possible. Survivors can shoot you in the back anyways and some people are stigmatized as bandits even if they were attacked by someone (and not hit) and merely fought back.