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About mf_83@live.com

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  1. mf_83@live.com

    US 4551 Finders, New Private Hive.

    Had a Hacker wipe the server just now.. Can we get a rollback please.....
  2. mf_83@live.com

    Roman's Apocalyptic Warehouse

    ive got sandbags... and some other items.. what do you want for the m4 holo?
  3. mf_83@live.com

    Move a heli next to a tree?

    How fast do you need to be going to hit the tree? And head on with the truck or at an angle? cause ive tried to knock a tree down only to blow both front tires of the V3S ....
  4. mf_83@live.com

    Going Lone Wolf for now on.

    Sorry about your luck...should post their names tho so no one else helps them out..
  5. mf_83@live.com

    New fresh server! TS! Clan wars!

    Alright so i went to your server (it was night time) and found a vehicle and stashed it along with gear from a dead body next to the tractor which was near Willow lake and it had a boat in it? lakes dont have boats... so that was the first flag.. so after stashing the tractor i ran around more looking for other vehicles to find none so i logged for a bit.. My friend came back on so we log back into 1121 (like midnight in game pitch black) to goto the tractor and i see this guy DOX OW SOLAY die like 5 - 6 times in a row and to fast to spawn and die from zeds.. so that was a second flag from previous exp with hackers doing that and then kill the server.... so we ran to the location on another server so my friend can get the backpack from the tractor and .. it was fucking mid-day in game when we logged in to 1121.. my tractor was gone and then out of no where a guy starts running toward my friend and trying to talk to us and blocked my friends abort option and the only person that was in the server at the time we logged in: DOX OW SOLAY .. time for me in RL was 0050 Central Time Zone USA 17Aug12 anywho just a heads up.. hope this isnt to rambled
  6. mf_83@live.com

    Server: #500 Goodwrench

    Hello, Was looking to see if anyone is or knows the admin to the server GOODWRENCH or has an email for them.. My group and I play on it a bit and had made some base camps on the server since we play there a lot and I was wondering if the server has been affected by the tent and vehicle bugs that other servers have been effected by. Our tents have gone missing as well as the vehicles we had acquired. Also have not seen any spawns for vehicles in their original spawn locations if our vehicles were destroyed.. Thank you for your time!
  7. mf_83@live.com


    Hey man message me... our mumble server is messed up right now...
  8. mf_83@live.com

    Battleye Script Restriction 90... What?

    Me and my group lost our helo to this last night :/ pretty lame... and now i cant get in any servers either....
  9. mf_83@live.com

    Fly CSS: Chernarus Shuttle Service

    how good is your flying skills? im kind of in a sticky situation... the game glitched out and Im on a roof of a building.... its about 2 - 2 1/2 stories high so i think im going to die if i jump and i dont wanna die :( ....
  10. About us: Team of four with decent gear. Two of us are prior military. Two live in TX one in VA and the other in CA. We use our own private mumble server for communication. Our team setup would like to be made up of a sniper with a spotter and then a fire team of four to raid everything. We tend to play a lot as of right now being summer. We are not bandits but don't mind killing people. We do mess around a lot and die on occasion and we hate it but it happens. We are currently working on setting up a base camp for us as well. About you: 18 years old or older and lives in the United States of America and speaks English. Has mumble and somewhat knowledge of how to set it up. Gear that contains at least a primary and secondary weapons, map, and preferably an Alas pack. Knows how to navigate around the map and competent in the layout of a few cities for gear runs. Not afraid to aggro zombies and has a working understanding of how to lose said zombies. If this sounds like you please contact: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/user/63537-marshymello/] Marshymello Steam: Marsyismello and we love you :D XoXo
  11. mf_83@live.com

    Trusted / Untrusted player list

    Not everyone that yells friendly is indeed friendly.. be careful... Also players can change their in-game names so not really plausible at the moment... also in some servers you dont know the name of the person you come up on if name tags are off...
  12. mf_83@live.com

    ShootOnSight not needed to survive.

    it was already night time.. and we decided to continue on together :/
  13. mf_83@live.com

    ShootOnSight not needed to survive.

    Wish people followed this.. had a guy tonight i had dead to rights and was following him.. i asked over chat if i needed to worry about him killing me he said no and we carried on together then we got to a dark area and he shot me :/ lame...
  14. mf_83@live.com

    Noob questions

    Another Q: Tents once you place them they only are found on that specific server or does it spawn in any server you play on? Also the g. suit only spawns at helo crash sites right? and those are random spawns throughout the server? thanks again!
  15. mf_83@live.com

    Noob questions

    ok thanks a lot... so as long as its pitch black and i throw the stick away from me i "should" be ok hehehe