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About jman.giannone@gmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. jman.giannone@gmail.com

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Thanks Udak. You guys are saints.
  2. jman.giannone@gmail.com

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hey man, I'm in the hills east of Cherno (pretty much right under the first R in the city name on the DayZDB map. Willing to make a short hike?
  3. jman.giannone@gmail.com

    Playing at night on a server

    I was up until 3am last night on a server raiding Cherno in the night. I've only been playing for about a week and a half and this has been my most successful raid on Cherno (I actually made it out alive, barely alive, but still alive). I was able to hit every high & medium yield residences, the supermarket and fire house (with 2 trips back to my tent) without ever seeing another player. The decreased visibility makes you damn near invisible to the zombies too, allowing you to basically sprint around the city without attracting a hoard. Even if you do attract some zombies I was able to easily lose them by simply running around corners and crouching. I suppose I may have been a little cheaty though, as I turned my brightness all the way up and my gamma up to about 1.5 (kinda gave an night-time black & white horror film feel). *shrug* Its either that or not play... easy decision.
  4. jman.giannone@gmail.com

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hey, anyone on duty? I need assistance in the hills just east of Cherno (just over the train tracks on the outskirts of the city). I have the blood bag, but have only around 3000 blood, so I can't move too far without passing out. I've been trying to establish myself as a scavenger (and dying frequently) so I don't have much high value loot, but you are welcome to anything I can spare. Thanks - J PS - Forgot to include my steam account: jman42016