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Everything posted by gibbow@live.co.uk

  1. gibbow@live.co.uk

    US 1241 Hacker

    theres hackers on pretty much everywere and your complaining on forums *facepalm
  2. gibbow@live.co.uk

    cheating/hacking gb 500

    to any admins on gb 500 i wasn't hacking or cheating when i mentioned an as50 i hadn't been on the server in along time and i remember i had an as50 from a friend on the server. i looked in my backpack and there was an m24 so i assumed it changed i wasn't hacking at all or else u would of seen on the logs of loads of codes and shit which you didn't see so don't just go assumin i hacked just cause i say "does the as50 get turned into the m24" and then i get banned for saying that i had an as50 in my backpack form awhile back and was curious to why i had an m24 as i would never take an m24. so next time let me say on side chat to why i was on about it instead of insta bannin ......
  3. gibbow@live.co.uk

    humanity reset???

    is there any possible way to get my -29k humanity up to 0 or will i have to blood bag etc alot of people just curious considerin when i die it doesnt reset
  4. gibbow@live.co.uk

    humanity reset???

    meh its not to much work :/
  5. gibbow@live.co.uk

    humanity reset???

    lol wtf
  6. gibbow@live.co.uk

    humanity reset???

    ty m8 i just want hero skin cause its epic and rareish
  7. id love to join filled out an app hope u can get bak to me soon
  8. gibbow@live.co.uk

    humanity reset???

    dammit well i recently decided to change my ways so guess im off to be a medic for along time -.-
  9. gibbow@live.co.uk

    Humanity reset? Is it possible?

    so my -24k humanity which i am deeply regretting obtainning will take awhile to remove :(
  10. gibbow@live.co.uk

    Discovered a cheater base in elektro

    omg thats so epic haha what server is this id love to have a look at it i dont even care if its hacked in it looks so cool
  11. gibbow@live.co.uk

    massive fps drop cant fix

    i keep gettin 1 fps constant and it just came suddenly and i cant help it ive changed all my settings my computer is an ok one it can run 90% of games in ultra smoothly but on arma it just came suddenly and now i cant do anything cause even on the menu screen im gettin 1 fps and its just unplayable anyone got any suggestions to wat it might be sorry for bad english im not a grammer nazi
  12. gibbow@live.co.uk

    selling svd camo

    so i was wondering if anyone was interested in an svd camo i found recently it has 4 mags for it. if your interested please give me an offer for it
  13. gibbow@live.co.uk

    selling svd camo

    hmm dont u have any proper as50 rounds ? just curious and if your willing to trade with coyote thatll be fine
  14. gibbow@live.co.uk

    selling svd camo

    dammit if only someone offered me as50 or m107 :( the snipers a beauty for ghillies and amazing if u have range finders
  15. gibbow@live.co.uk

    Tank Trapping somebody inside a tent [VIDEO]

    the bpm is well to slow to be drum and bass ....
  16. gibbow@live.co.uk

    Found a AS50 TWS scope off a hacker

    they are allowed as long as u didnt script them in
  17. do u still want an svd camo i have 4 mags for it if so, how much ammo does your as50 have ?
  18. gibbow@live.co.uk

    selling svd camo

    omg road flares heaerd there rare
  19. gibbow@live.co.uk

    selling a can of mountain dew

    i got a can of mountain dew from a super market and i was wonderin if anyone wanted to trade it for something im looking for ------- as50 (normal or tws) or m107 sniper if u have anythin else like range finders or anythin let me no :) (btw are mountain dew still rare)
  20. gibbow@live.co.uk

    selling a can of mountain dew

    update --- i also have an svd camo if anyones interested i heard there rare as ---
  21. gibbow@live.co.uk

    selling a can of mountain dew

    i also heard about it being both a curse and a blessed item but i dunno ive been hiding in a forest afraid to move with it incase the gods strike me down :/
  22. gibbow@live.co.uk

    selling a can of mountain dew

    there rare tho ive never seen one till i went into starry sobors market
  23. hello there anyways i recently found 3 tents that i had stumbled into and well they had alot of satchel charges in them and alot of stuff so i thought hey ill blow them up so anyways yer shit happened a big explosion occured and your tents are gone enjoy im an arse i no :) ow and thx for the supplies u had 30 + satchel charges i was impressed but u wont be at the carnage.
  24. gibbow@live.co.uk

    to the people at se 20 gg to your camp at 076,012

    thats the only icon i like i havent played cod in ages i just cant be bothered making a new thumbnail and how is playin cod make u a chav ?
  25. gibbow@live.co.uk

    to the people at se 20 gg to your camp at 076,012

    ......... typin to fast is not my problem well whatever i dont check for spelling mistakes spell checker does that shit for me