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Everything posted by Mortem-Obire

  1. Mortem-Obire

    To Rocket and the DayZ dev team...

    It boils down to will power. History dictates that this arguement is entirely flawed. It would account for some in game behavior, but every person plays like this "because it's just a game". If you were starving and there were a bunch of women and elderly who had food, you would honeslty say that "well in a apocolypse it's plausible" to kill them in cold blood? People who boil this arguement down to such a base level don't understand what it takes to end the life of someone who isn't a direct threat to you. Killing in conflict is sometimes a nessesity to protect and is reactionary. Killing because the lone individual can is a abnormality at best. A sickness. The amount of trauma one would have to endure to regress to such a base instinct is underestimated here.
  2. Mortem-Obire

    To Rocket and the DayZ dev team...

    I love how these types of posts are always made by people with only a few posts. People are incapable of not trolling or flaming on these forums. People you call whiners may have a legitmate complaint. I encourage people to post their negative views on the game. The shit storm it generates shows that neither side of the debate is right, and neither is wrong. Out of that comes good change forged in flaming conflict.
  3. Mortem-Obire

    Return of the CZ 550?

    yeah I tend to find them in waves for whatever reason. went a month without finding any, then one week I swear they were in every strairless barn I came across. Had 35 rounds at one point. Now I can't seem to find any again.