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About jimbojones

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. jimbojones

    Dayz Auto Run - [Application]

    I bet Rocket wonders the same thing about Dayz Mod on some days...
  2. Pretty sure the positions of all players/items are stored unencrypted in game memory on each client. Encrypted network packets wouldnt cut it, you'll still have people seeing where you and your stuff are at any given time. Since they use third party software to do this it would be almost impossible to stop unless they are changing the way the game engine stores the data. And for those who havnt seen, dont go looking, they are really a huge buzzkill. I know they killed my motivation to log in once I found out.
  3. jimbojones

    Polygonal Errors?

    Check video card temps. Also, if theres barbwire around its been known to cause similar issues
  4. jimbojones

    Want to host a DayZ Server? Read in here.

    Plenty of other missions people can host if they need passwords. I cannt see segregation helping the DayZ experiment
  5. jimbojones

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    Seeing a persons humanity score would be more useful than these bandit skins were imho
  6. Ive seen some posts about people wanting trade hubs/safe zones. My though was making a type of NPC that you could acquire(not sure how yet, maybe have to trade food/etc for their services). You could lead them where you want them to patrol and they will attack anyone with low humanity score. This could help keep supply stashes safe. Catch is, you need to be in good standing humanity wise in order to 'hire' these npcs. Could be a nice perk for those being good survivors. Obviously there would be some limit to how many could be on the server at one time due to load on the server.
  7. jimbojones

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    Id bet reserved slots show up in a future BI patch. Also, anyone who is hosting a DayZ server and crys about the rules needs to go back to hosting Dominaton/Evo servers. Lol. Ps. Moar tears