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Everything posted by Junkyard

  1. Junkyard

    FIX the TENTS

    i cant even get my tent to place
  2. i know that tents are always a bit of a pain in the ass to place but i cant get this one to place anywhere anyone else having problems placing tents?
  3. Me and a few of my friends had found a great server ny7 run but a really cool admin that we have gotten to know very well, Hes decided to take down the server ny 7 & ny 8 because he is very bored with the game and very frustrated on how easy it is to cheat and hack in this game with no real fix or way to stop the cheaters he is giving up on dayz. But i still have fun and i'm looking forward to fixing up some choppers and giving fresh spawns rides around the map. but as the topic said looking for a new server to call home if anyone can help me and my friends find a new server it would be appreciated. Things Im looking for in a server: 1. We are mostly from the north east of the united states so a server with a decent ping located in new york or east coast would be great. 2. Active admin that can be contacted on steam for restarts of the server if its getting to laggy or hackers a being douche bags nuking the server. 3. would really like a veteran server that doesn't have the names of players on mouse overs. also third person view. If you play on or own a server that could accommodate us please let me know we are friendly players we use mumble and are very happy to meet new players and make new friends.
  4. Junkyard

    Cannot setup a tent anywhere

    whens the last tiem you picthed a tent i tried the other day after the patch i really feel they've disabled tents being pitched
  5. Junkyard

    Stop trying to make DayZ...

    i think by the time all this stuff is implemented WAR Z will have already been out for a a few months there are things i dont like about war z but alot of the idea seem really cool so i will see which game is better suited for me
  6. Junkyard

    Stop trying to make DayZ...

    thats kinda a stupid statement like how dare someone suggest some weird fantasy idea to make the game unrealistic lol there are fuckin zombies in the game for Christ sake how bout they remove the zombies and you just get to run around looting and killing people that would be a better idea?
  7. Junkyard

    Stop trying to make DayZ...

    you know there really needs to be more to do in this game and if they dont add some more goals or things to construct this game is gonna get really boring really fast
  8. Junkyard

    Status on tents ? Fixed or not ?

    i cant even get my tent to place int he middle of a road or field so at least you have a tent!
  9. Junkyard

    i want back the respawn button!!!!

    i really dont understand think it could be abused i mean if you pick to spawn next in the same city as your friend you still have to find a weapon. and if you think people spawning in cherno or electro every time is a problem because bandits like to camp there then they could just make those cities not available to choose.
  10. Junkyard

    i want back the respawn button!!!!

    i dont really understand your argument im sorry are you saying that being able to pick where you spawn will allow people that hang out in cities more targets to shoot at? and are you saying that if you had the option to spawn next to your friend and start looting and playing together you would choose to spawn 30 mins away from each other and meet somewhere else?
  11. Made this a while back still think its great. Maybe your in the video check it out!
  12. still looking for a good server to play on
  13. Junkyard

    Removing the respawn button sucks.

    how bout the opposite you can only choose the smaller towns to spawn.
  14. Junkyard

    i want back the respawn button!!!!

    Is this a game? is it not meant to be fun ? would you honestly prefer to run 20 mins to meet up with friends every time you guys died rather then being able to start playing together right away ? whos to say your boat didnt sink and you and your buds didnt all wash up on shore next to each other what does it really matter if you meet up with your friends right away or not its not liek you will have weapons and go around killing everyone you still have to find weapons or what if they made it so you could only pick the smaller towns to spawn like kemenka or otmel or whatever.
  15. Junkyard

    Removing the respawn button sucks.

    liek i said on another post about this being able to pick your spawn location after you die would be 100 times better then having to waste 20 mins running to your friends. this is still a game and the idea of a game is to be fun and people want to play with there friends. can you honestly say you would rather have to run 20 mins to meet up with friends when you die over being able to spawn close by and play together right away? if you say yes then you either are lying or you have no friends that wanna play with you anyway.
  16. Junkyard

    Problem placing tents

    youve tested this after the patch because i cant even get it to pitch on a paved road or in a field with nothing around
  17. i dunno i feel like it is engough of a disadvantage playing with your shit turned up u dont see that well some one with nvg's can still see 200 times better. yah you dont get to see morons running around with flares and glow sticks as much but, i don't think anyone wants to play in the pitch black and no one wants to be target practice with a flare at night so people either find servers that are day time to play on or they just don't play at night time and i dont think people should not be able to play on there favorite servers just because its night time.
  18. Junkyard

    i want back the respawn button!!!!

    maybe thats how you would play it maybe you have fun running 30 mins to meet up with your friends and jerking 20 zombies off while getting shot at by everyone and there mother. But myself i think it would be far more fun to cut out the bull shit of running for 30 mins to meet up with your friends so that you can start playing the "GAME" together.
  19. playing at night blows donkey dick if u dont turn your brightness and gamma up the game is unplayable at night with out it so fuck yah turn that shit up
  20. Junkyard

    i want back the respawn button!!!!

    i dunno im hoping this will lead to the implement of letting you pick where you spawn at least on a fresh re-spawn so you can meet up with friends.
  21. Junkyard

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    are tents working can they be placed having problems placing a tent now after patch like cant even place it on a open road
  22. Junkyard

    Problem placing tents

    have you placed one since the last patch?
  23. Junkyard

    Problem placing tents

    wonder if the fix he did for the tents not saving gear was just make it so no more tents can be placed lol