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Everything posted by unreal.gamer@hotmail.com

  1. unreal.gamer@hotmail.com

    US 1226 philadelphia banned me for no reason

    Well we can see what kind of person administers your servers. Too many posts to catch up on for something going on in your server shows you're not very dedicated to the people playing/wanting to play on your server. Your calling him a troll and outright showing your disgust for him when he has been polite in his posts. In all of yours you seem to be the troll towards him. Obviously you're hiding the fact that you're wrong seeing as how you cannot prove Kien has done anything wrong. And now you're telling him he is not wanted and to go somewhere else so are you still denying him the option to play? Sounds like you would ban him on the spot if you saw his name log in. If your intention is a mature, enjoyable culture you must be missing something because you're throwing nothing but hate to him when he has done nothing towards you. We will not return to US 1226 for the sole fact it is run by an immature admin who doesn't know how to administrate. This thread is done have a nice day. P.S. Thanks CanadianAlien don't know what I would have done without you. <3
  2. unreal.gamer@hotmail.com

    US 1226 philadelphia banned me for no reason

    Proof that this was a just action and not a play on the rules to get what the admin wants. You may have paid for the game and the server but this is not your mod nor does it give you the right to do as you please to the people playing in the server without a just cause. He may have been banned for "Harsh Language" but where is the chat log? If I was an admin of a server and I saw someone posting about being banned on my server my first reply to the thread would be the logs. And I don't mean just a copy/paste because that can be easily falsified. It's not the job of the player to be constantly running fraps just to prove his innocence if they get banned for something. I'm not trying to demonize you as far as I know you may be a bystander because it looks like the ban was based on complaints of others and not seeing the chat firsthand. He even logged back in and asked in group chat in the lobby why he was kicked with no response just a ban.
  3. unreal.gamer@hotmail.com

    US 1226 philadelphia banned me for no reason

    I don't know where your getting your information from deadcheese but I was in vent with Kien and in the server with NdranC at the time this all happened. The only time he ever posted anything in group chat was to ask why he was banned. I even tried to ask in chat why he was banned but no reply. We don't use chat for anything so show us chat logs of what he said. We aren't trying to start a fuss here, we just wanted to know why he was banned for nothing because to us it looked like he was kicked for looting that particular body since it happened less than a minute after. Yes there are plenty of other servers to play on but how can we find a home server to play on to use tents and fix vehicles when so many admins keep banning people for everything and not bothering to follow up with logs. And seeing as how I was with him and know he didn't do this it makes me think you just banned him for this reason so you meet the requirements and don't get in trouble. And that's fine I don't really feel like playing on a server where admins do this type of thing so I'll find another. Just want this out there so others can see that this happened on US 1226 in case the same thing happens to them.