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Everything posted by jiakurai

  1. jiakurai

    Looking for small group or just 1 or 2 people

    I'll play. Haven't in a while either. Skype is Jiakurai
  2. Sure a trade system with money and stuff would be nice. But it would be a whole hell of a lot simpler to do a thing like Team Fortress 2 (With their system, not currency) You can trade with anyone in-game wherever they are. 5 items on each side with room on each slot for ammo. Everyone is posting trade systems with forms of currency and whatnot. That makes the development a whole lot more complicated with adding the new system and making a new currency, when all we need is a safe and secure trading system where we're not in risk of dying.
  3. Found two sets of Rangefinders and an AS50. So those aren't needed :P Hmm. If you have the L85. I want it. and a Bizon. If not, I want a M249 in place of the L85, if that's okay.
  4. Alright. Add me on skype when you get on. I should be on. BUt if I converted it right, it's 1:PM My time, and I would be out by then. It SHOULD happen today, though. 4
  5. What time is that in EST? Having a hard time converting. Also, how many Rangefinders do you have? We'd like 2
  6. How many ghillies for the As50, and l85, and rangefinder. I have quite a few in my base. ADD ME ON SKYPE TO DUSCUSS. Clips for each weapon, too of course. Skype - Jiakurai
  7. jiakurai

    Looking for people to play with

    derp, posted earlier.
  8. jiakurai

    Looking for people to play with

    I hate playing alone. Skype- Jiakurai
  9. jiakurai

    your first murder experience

    I had fallen off of the white office building in Elektro. Legs broken with one makarov clip for my makarov left. No bandages or anything. I crawled around for maybe, 45 minutes with people trying to direct me to the hospital. Guy climbs up ladder by the train yard. pewpewpewpewpewpew He didn't die. He fell of the ladder from passing out. it gave me the kill, even though it was more of an assisted suicide.