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Everything posted by ThatEricGuy

  1. ThatEricGuy

    DayZ Commander to dayzmods.com

    I support this! I started DayZ with Six Launcher but once I heard about Dayz Commander, I switched and have never looked back. I find the UI of DayZ Commander preferable to Six Launcher myself. In addition, while using Six Launcher, I was not able to get accurate ping information from most servers (most of the time, every server would say 9999) but I actually get results on DayZ Commander.
  2. ThatEricGuy

    your first murder experience

    I logged in when I found out that a friend of mine had broken his legs and was stuck in the military area between Balota and Cherno. Sadly, I didn't have any morphine to give him but he was stuck in a tent with a ton a zombies walking around. As I was cleaning out the area a bit, another person runs up and calls out "friendly". Having no intention of killing him, I also called out "friendly". After a brief exchange, he proceeds to help finish off the zombies in the area. My friend was telling me to shoot the guy the whole time. The new person had an AKM while my friend only had an axe and he was trying to convince me that this new guy would turn and shoot us at any moment. My friend had started crawling around searching the tents, hoping to find some morphine and I was going through my bag, tossing out some stuff I really didn't need (...how did these flares get in here...) when another wave of zombies attacked the guy that had stopped there with us. I didn't see them due to being distracted. Once he killed them, he popped off with something like "thanks for the f***ing help there". As soon as I saw his gun swing in my direction, I popped him in the head. After not finding any morphine, I mercy killed my crippled friend, picked up the other guys AKM and some ammo, and went off down the coast to help out my newly respawned friend. ...I honestly felt a little bad for what had happened after it was all done, but I am over that now. B)