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About jimykx

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  1. jimykx

    My rant on why DayZ is getting worse

    Your answer is very well suitable for many posters in this thread. I might as well start copy and pasting it. Thanks for understanding me, I might be being a little paranoid and negative by saying this but it's the few people like you that make me still care. 3 posts in a row? Crap, I might as well be flamed for this one. The truth is there seems to be no way to delete your own posts, and what I wanted to do was to add this quote to my previous post.
  2. jimykx

    My rant on why DayZ is getting worse

    I stopped reading when you said you stopped reading. Seriously, why should I bother when you clearly don't? You don't care as much as you don't understand the whole suggestion. Why you assume that I need a gun to deal with zombies? I need an offensive way. Being offensive does not necessarily mean you need a gun I'm telling you you clearly did not understand anything about the post. You take it a I am only telling the mod sucks which I clearly don't. IF you had a clue you would know i'm trying to improve on the game's issues and not trying to make it a worse game for everyone who loves and plays it like me.
  3. jimykx

    My rant on why DayZ is getting worse

    If you can't understand the difference there, then that is a good explanation to why you don't understand the whole suggestion post. Then why sould I even bother?But I'll do the hard work for you. The guys is infected so he's a zombie, but sick people also need to eat and drink. If they have malnutrition, if they are dehydrated then their cells will start to die, muscle cells in this case. Their body won't work well so how can they run like that, see and hear so good for so much time? specially the old people in the villages. Damn, do you even live in the same world I do? Your stupidity tells me otherwise.Adrenaline makes you go beyond your limits, it is not an infinite source of superman juice. You talk like you can have infinite rushes of adrenaline, you talk like you understand a lot of biology when you clearly don't. I could tell you how a lot of this hormone can cause infarcts, how there is allways a crash and exhaustion when you use those big ammounts, HOW YOUR HEARING CAN COMPLETELY GO AWAY, HOW YOUR PERIPHERAL VISION IS DECREASED AND DISTORTED. But you are clueless so why should i bother. With every argument you use you contradict yourself more and more. When I talk about a subject, when I take my time to write a sugggestion I KNOW what I'm talking about, I research and I know and I am fully aware that the decisions I make are the best I can find, contrarly to you and most of the people crapping around in this thread. Let me also appropriate this moment to thanks the users who took the time to criticize some of my statements and to actually show their VALID opinions, without fallacies, to make me understand why they also have a correct view. They actually contributed to the development of this thread and to the own good of the mod. I'll make it simple, when in life or death situations your body also releases Adrenaline. If that's what you are talking about. The decision of jumping 3 meters and having a chance of breaking or not your leg? You either want to be blinded by the fact that the mod as flaws and you take those flaws as "How it would happen in real life" or you are clearly out of valid arguments and you have to thawrt what is being discussed to aid on your side, which you are constantly doing and, every post, only makes you look more and more stupid. You assume I would die Even though it was clearly stated in my main thread and other posts I do it so that I won't die because of the stupid buggy agroes and spawns. You hardly believe all I want is the devs to make the game easier because I can't play it, YOU THINK I want them to give me armor, a bazooka, cammo , food and an aimbot as soon as I start becau You still haven't clearly understood my point. How giving players a starting way to be offensive would reduce death penalty? If you started with a way to push a zombie to the ground so that you could gain some ground running away from him that would make your life more valuable and make you want to die less? In the thread I suggested a melee weapon because that's what the game currently supports. If everyone starts with a stick people won't be killing each other more just because they want two sticks because they already god damn started with one. But Damn, you want to increase the penalty for death, you want to make it harder? Then why should rocket bother about the deathmatchers? Why should you even start with bandages and painkillers? Why don't you start surrounded by zombies already? Why isn't there a hord of zombies spawning on you at every few seconds. I said I would stop using alt-f4 in the beggining if the game would stop having aggro and spawn flaws. I also said others would stop doing it because I believe there are more people with common sense and that like to play the game the way it was meant to be played.Just look at how much people agree with the original post. If you think otherwise, that everyone , all of the people who do this are and will allway be cheaters then you either really want to incriminate them or the one who is a thread in here is you. Now, going back on topic, if these mechanic issues are hard to fix now, then why not give temporarly a player a way to get rid of the only zombie that he aggrowed so that he doesn't has to log off. Once again, I suggested a melee weapon because it's what's closer to having nearly nothing.
  4. jimykx

    My rant on why DayZ is getting worse

    people getting banned from using alt+f4? Damn, if it keeps going like this and I'm not careful I'm going to get arrested for leaving my house. I said I used alf+f4 in PVE to be able to get my first weapon, from that point on I play the game as it is meant to be played because the weapon allows me to overcome the gibberish obstacles that appear more often than they should. I agree that players who alt-f4 in PVP should get kicked/warned/ temporarily banned from that server, and if they abuse it a lot and are clearly doing it and ruining other players experience they should get some sort of ban. Now the thousands of people who use alt-f4 should be banned? Imagine if someone had his sights on you and your internet crashed, he can state that you quited to avoid being killed and you will be banned. Does it sound good to you? This is one of the examples that if the alt-f4 issue is not fixed correctly it might cause a little bit of trouble. That's why I think that the core mechanic should be fixed first (I present a simple temporary solution to that in case you did not understand) because that would make player who use alt.f4 to survive at the first few hours stop feeling the need to use it.
  5. jimykx

    My rant on why DayZ is getting worse

    With every post like this the thread goes progressively more and more out of topic. I do not know if most of these answers are made from retards or from people who don't even bother reading and thinking. But I still do not know why I even answer these.
  6. jimykx

    My rant on why DayZ is getting worse

    Your opinion since the beggining is basically: " You don't like the mod then you don't play it or you make your own " - Does your suggestion help at anything? Does your suggestion even make sense? I mean, It's the perfect one, you can basically copy and paste that in every single new suggestion thread that it will work. But then doesn't it turn "suggestions" into something obsolete? Those "five hours I spend writting a suggestion" actually show a simple temporary fix to the problems in the core mechanics of the game. How many times do I have to say this again?
  7. jimykx

    My rant on why DayZ is getting worse

    "Stopped reading there." Stopped reading there So, in real life, to be able to push a zombie to the ground that is grabbing you,so you can gain some ground when running away you need to be from Chuck Norris family? humans with dead muscle that run faster than you do They are not dead, they are infected living humans This clearly shows your capability of understanding what I said, I said dead muscle, not dead humans. But still, EVEN if what i meant was "dead zombies" instead of "Infected zombies", what's the difference at that level? I'm the kid? Do you even think? Biologically it is still wrong, they might feel no pain, they could have even lost their touch but it is impossible for their muscles to keep working for so much time and with so much use and demand, their body also body begins to dehydrate, muscles and other organs begin to fail. Also losing your reasoning and relying only on your primitive instincts does not mean you become stronger in any way, not instantly. Unless catching the infection makes fat people stop being fat, old people young and weak people get ripped like they never been before! Damn what a product. I don't know If I am the one who keeps expressing myself wrong or If you are the one who too stupid to understand what is really being discussed. An obstacle you have to overcome? So I bet you never had the experience of being in a in a building, with no weapon whatsoever, and a zombie respawned right in front of the only stairs you can use to to exit it. Good luck on making that 3 meter jump without breaking your legs. Man, I know these are bugs and that this is an alpha, but if you read my post again you see that my suggestion to this and other issues is giving a weapon at start. And why do people immediately consider that when I say "a weapon" I mean "a bazooka, armor, a guillie suit, infinite lives". NO, I do not want to turn this into a generic MMO in any way. A starting "weapon" means a simple way for you to defend yourself in these irregular buggy situations. It could be a freaking spoon. No shit sherlock, and this is a suggestions tab in the forums, that is why I am here, trying to present a simple solution/fix to some of the main problems right now in the core mechanics of the game I have figured it out. You are as smart as bait. I'm trying to help some of the current problems in the mod and, as you clearly still did not understand what I meant, you keep on discussing things that baffle readers from the suggestion, which actually has the objective to reduce the amount of people who use alt-f4 as an alternative.
  8. jimykx

    My rant on why DayZ is getting worse

    Ok, so the way to play this mod is by having zombies spawn on you, by just aggrowing them haphazardly, by having to use exploits to loose humans with dead muscle that run faster than you do (run sideways on a sloping ground and making them go into bushes). Let me see, you constantly compare this mod to real life yet you only use the aspects, conditions and features that are in favor of your opinion. You say that in real life it would be this hard, and that I would not survive, but in real life you wouldn't have absolutely no way to push the only zombie that you caught attention to in a barn that has nothing but empty bottles you can't use to attack. In real life there would always be a way to be aggressive, be it against a zombie, against a horde of them or against a player. Here, when you start, your only option is to defend yourself, by using a buggy stealth and by mindlessly running when those gibberish and retarded bugs happen You want me to keep going? Seriously, if you can't figure out what the point is, it does not matter to waste your time writing walls of mindless text that do nothing but thwart people from the actual problem in the first place. Also, nobody said Dayz needs to be a generic MMO so, once again,get your facts straight.
  9. jimykx

    My rant on why DayZ is getting worse

    So, constantly telling me something that isn't even related to the core of this thread is not pigheadedness? I'm the one who is pigheaded? I don't know why I even bother replying to you since you clearly also did not take the trouble of reading through everything to get at least comprehend what's going on. God, most people, even if they where twice as smart they would still be almost as sharp as a bowling ball.
  10. jimykx

    My rant on why DayZ is getting worse

    Once you realize that it's not all that beautiful and simple because playing the game and avoiding zombies is much more complex and involves much more than just "crouching in a bush out of sight". If one of those "one or two aggroed zombies" that is running towards you at incredible speeds hits you and you start bleeding from that only hit, and you already used your starting bandage, you're screwed. And don't tell me "if you were a good player you wouldn't be hit by zeds so easily and bleed so much" because the system is way too bugged for all of the escape methods to work properly without any variances. I'll say again, this is a suggestions box and it's his "entitle" to express his opinion. If there is a way to post suggestions it's because the devs/dev want to read them or atleast want to look like they do. You probably do not know you are talking to someone who also played SWG pre-CU and STILL PLAYS. I agree with you with the fact that it failed in that aspect but you still do not understand my point of view. You can't relate both cases simply because SWG pre-CU WORKED. You had to grind to get a jedi but you COULD get a Jedi. In DayZ, analyzing an whole situation before acting is not enough because there is constantly the factor of luck, because there is so much randomness. SWG was solid, the randomness zombie spawning or aggrowing in DayZ is the opposite of solid. My suggestion of a current "easy fix" would be for them to add a melee weapon at start of some sorts. Do you understand it now? Do I have to make it easier? I've been part of several modding projects myself. I created models and textures while the rest of the team coded the mod and its inner workings. Of course it was not nearly as successful a this mod but let me tell you one thing. We all did it because we enjoyed it, because we felt good with what we where creating and with the fact that we were learning. We had a small community that played on our server and we accepted their criticism and changed and shaped the mod thanks to it, of course that we did not leave the main development line and we kept the focus on what we where trying to create. Going back to the SWG problem, listening to the players too much was what caused those design problems, LISTENING TOO MUCH. The criticism, in our case, was used to make what we build something with a better structure overall, not something totally different. WE, just like Rocket, worked on the mod for FUN because we like it. We did it more for ourselves than for others. I'm pretty sure that there would be no DayZ if Rocket felt forced on working on the mod and didn't feel any fun , enjoyment or fulfillment from it. You might be respectful but you are not humble at all and that blinds you from the fact that you are not the only person In the planet who does things (besides Rocket, of course)
  11. jimykx

    My rant on why DayZ is getting worse

    First I want to thank guys like tempestfeir, Xeroph,jayp.uncensored,TheProphecy,Colditz and Dev0 because they actually read, understood my point, and even though they might not agree with everything I said they shared their feelings about what they think is wrong and helped turn my whole post a lot more constructive. I'm complaining about the problems in the core mechanics of sneaking and avoiding zombies. If you can't take the time to understand someone's thread this is probably not the place for you. Dimes123 has a pretty good answer to you. All you talk about in here is "killing" so I assume you do not have the mental capabilities to understand where I want to go with this thread. The game is way too easy as soon as you have a weapon, the only real thread after this are other players who are more powerful. Before having any sort of gun you are pretty much fucked because zombies will spawn on you, you will aggro them in weird ways or you will die of hunger or thirst if you spend too much time sneaking and only finding trash. As I said before, new players are worthless. He's a player, so he's technically a client expressing what he thinks that is wrong with the product he is using. Not that he bought the mod itself of course. So Rocket is the only person with good ideas on game features just because he made this? Don't you think that out of the millions of gamers none of them had thought about a game like this? The only thing that differentiates Rocket from someone else with this idea is that Rocket actually knows how to create the code and has the knowledge on how to shape and create the mod( and had the luck to be the first one doing it). Also fisk, Rocket hasn't been beatified yet. He's a normal person. What are you? Some sort of ass-licker I'd say. But lets not forget that the only reason that we are discussing this, is because Rocket made a suggestion box on the forums. I'm sorry that you even bothered making that worthless answer, but I've seen better DayZ tutorials on youtube already. But lets not forget that the only reason we are here, is because Rocket made a suggestions box in the forums.
  12. jimykx

    My rant on why DayZ is getting worse

    Thanks for being one of the few people with common sense in this thread. I don't know if you read my whole thread or not, but from your post I see that you agree with me and that you actually have a valid point and bothered explaining it. You have my beans I'm sorry for the double post but I can't seem to find a way to delete this one so that I can just edit the previous one and add the quote there.
  13. jimykx

    My rant on why DayZ is getting worse

    You know you I can give suggestions here but you clearly do not understand the meaning of a suggestion. I'll try to explain in a way only you will understand: If you're too pissed at this thread either: 1- leave it and don't make a comment that does not make sense 2- Read the thread properly instead of accusing me of not enjoying the game. I mentioned multiple times I was creating this thread because I love the mod and I didn't enjoy the path it was taking, but that does not mean I started hating the mod and that I don't want to play it anymore.
  14. jimykx

    My rant on why DayZ is getting worse

    The game is not that simple, but I'll try explain in a way you'll understand. - Approach barn undetected - Notice barn has no useful items - Zombie spawns on you or is alerted in a very weird way - You start bleeding - You just realized you have no more bandages - Oops, you're dead. Does this happens to players who already have weapons? Nope. Once you have a way of defending yourself chances are you will only be killed by bandits and not by zombies, unless you are really stupid. Also, with difficulty comes cheaters? Get your facts straight. There are and will always be cheaters EVERYWHERE. In COD, that is like the easiest FPS you can play, there are proportionally more hackers than there are in this mod/game.
  15. jimykx

    My rant on why DayZ is getting worse

    Suggestions tab... Don't expect people to post gratitude stuff here just because the mod is still in alpha and does not deserve to be criticized because of that. Just be smart about it.