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Everything posted by Tatemae

  1. I have lost 80% of the advantages I have ever gained in dayZ through hackers their scripted items. If one comes along and gives me a car, I am going to drive it completely dry man. If the % of incidence was lower I wouldn't have to develop a strategy that deals with hackers. As it is, they have messed the game up completely and there is no way to tell if your item is actual or scripted if it is used in the game. For that reason and that reason alone I have decided to take advantage when given the opportunity.
  2. I am down with the lone wolf thing. Having had the bs from being hacked and then falsely accused of hacking (fortunately not banned as a result of log checking) I am done with the alpha. Love the concept and strategic planning. I am much older than you but I would give it a go. I have a vent server as well if you need a spare voip. Handle: TheLastTwinkie