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M107 Sniper Rifle

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About M107 Sniper Rifle

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    On the Coast

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    Dayz Battlefield Bad company 2
  1. M107 Sniper Rifle

    DayZ "Huntsman's Bow"

    I am a huge fan of this game and I would like to see some of my suggestions take place in the standalone version of this already amazing game experience. I have been thinking. Wouldn'nt it be cool if the game had, not as a Class or something like that, but a personal option where you could find, somewhere on the map, equipment to create your own BOW and ARROWS??. This suggestion of mine does not take the game back to medeival times, but instead gives you a realistic player option for the one looking for a more stealthy character. one that does not wish to be compromised on the first shot. Since you guys strive for a realistic game. To make this bow and craft the arrows for it, I Would suggest, that scattered around the map of chernarus, not set spawn locations but random ( like helicopter crash sites) where you can find a tree, or some trees, not used for the wood but used as material for the bow. I would recommend naming it (Maple Tree). This maple tree has the option (Craft Huntsman's Bow) and the option (Craft 10 arrows). after you have chosen one of the options, the tree will decay and can not be used again. The spawns will be a very rare spawn (such as the helicopter crash sites), The Maple tree will look like one and be a little bit bigger than other trees, just to make them apart. I would recommend giving the Huntsman's bow a fair amount of damage because of it's rarity. I would say 4000-5000 damge per shot since the firing time includes what normal bows needs when fired. Another option to consider, since we are not living in medieval times, One could find a certain "Huntsman's Bow's Scope" for the bow. this scope would be a bit less effective than a sniper scope but at the same time give you a bit more vision and clearence of the target your facing. As my final words, Please do consider atleast reading this and hopefully, just hopefully consider my suggestion as I would say it has the potential for the making of a better game. Thanks! // Alex Reply Report
  2. M107 Sniper Rifle

    Bow and Arrow

    I am a huge fan of this game and I would like to see some of my suggestions take place in the standalone version of this already amazing game experience. I have been thinking. Wouldn'nt it be cool if the game had, not as a Class or something like that, but a personal option where you could find, somewhere on the map, equipment to create your own BOW and ARROWS??. This suggestion of mine does not take the game back to medeival times, but instead gives you a realistic player option for the one looking for a more stealthy character. one that does not wish to be compromised on the first shot. Since you guys strive for a realistic game. To make this bow and craft the arrows for it, I Would suggest, that scattered around the map of chernarus, not set spawn locations but random ( like helicopter crash sites) where you can find a tree, or some trees, not used for the wood but used as material for the bow. I would recommend naming it (Maple Tree). This maple tree has the option (Craft Huntsman's Bow) and the option (Craft 10 arrows). after you have chosen one of the options, the tree will decay and can not be used again. The spawns will be a very rare spawn (such as the helicopter crash sites), The Maple tree will look like one and be a little bit bigger than other trees, just to make them apart. I would recommend giving the Huntsman's bow a fair amount of damage because of it's rarity. I would say 4000-5000 damge per shot since the firing time includes what normal bows needs when fired. Another option to consider, since we are not living in medieval times, One could find a certain "Huntsman's Bow's Scope" for the bow. this scope would be a bit less effective than a sniper scope but at the same time give you a bit more vision and clearence of the target your facing. As my final words, Please do consider atleast reading this and hopefully, just hopefully consider my suggestion as I would say it has the potential for the making of a better game. Thanks! // Alex
  3. M107 Sniper Rifle

    The Myshkino Tent Camp

    A few Weeks ago me and my two friends were hunting for some vehicles around the map when we landed on Myshkino. We were trying to get a hold of the offroad pickup truck that were supposed to have a chance of getting spawned there. We didn't find anything at the time but one of my friends, Daniel, suggested that we could go west on the open fields and look for hidden stuff, maybe vehicles or even tents. It was a great idea so that's what we did. We searched for an hour or so when we went up the hill about 1500 metres from Myshkino On the way up we didn't knew what to expect but it sure was going to be a surprise for all of us. We almost reached the top when we saw something very exciting. What we saw was infact a tent camp with 5 tents and 2 motorcycles aswell! We were really happy but we didn't know what was inside of the tents. We approaches the tents when we saw 3 guys guarding them! They were clearly an organized group of people who really wanted their stuff safe at the tent camp. Me and my friends had to set up a plan on how to do it. They didn't see us yet so we decided to make a triangle flank around them for us to attack at all angles. And that's what we did. We all got up on our feet and started to fire. Daniel got shot immediately by an AKM while the rest of us took them all 3 down. Me with my FN FAL ANPV S4 and my friend Dawid with his AK 74. We reached the tents and what did we find? 4 FN FAL ANPV S4 3 DMR sniper rifles 2 NV goggles 2 M14 AIM and a few M4A3 CCO's aswell as tons of magazines for both the rifles and many pistols with that. There was also alot of food and medical supplies there aswell. We got shocked by the amount of stuff but I made the plan for the team to place down our own tents on another server and transfer their stuff to our tents. One day later the server host got on vacation and closed down that server : ((((( Thanks for reading! : DD
  4. M107 Sniper Rifle

    The Barracks

    I was on my way to the NWAF barracks in the middle of the night wearing my NV goggles and the M4A3 CCO as my weapon. I reached the southern barracks where i could'nt see anything from outside. Nothing. Not even a single zombie walking the lands of the airfield. It made me very suspicious since I knew someone must of killed them all. I tried to crawl my way into the barracks to find some loot there where I saw it. Two guys moved in the barracks, one of them with a BAF AS50 and the other one with some kind of Machinegun. I got really scared so I proned and waited for them to make a move. They just stood there so I had to take a shot at the one with the sniper. I fired. I put three rounds in the head of him through the glass but i did'nt see a murder nor a bandit kill but i assumed i got him. I got excited but I made sure not to walk right in there and try to get the other guy aswell. I crawled around the barracks on the backside waiting for him to come out. I knew he did'nt have any NV goggles on him so I had the advantage. Suddenly I could see smoke. He threw a smoke granade in the barracks where he was to make me confused of where he was. It did'nt bother me since I knew he could'nt escape without logging out and it did'nt seem like he was going to. I tried to get a glance at the bathroom window but he had already closed all the doors. Suddenly, he ran out while my scope was aiming somewhere else. He looked at me. Missed a few shots with the Mk 48 Mod 0 and ran back inside. I was thinking "WOW, What the hell was that?". The flashes of his machinegunfire gave away my position and I knew that. I tried to get back to cover but a few moments later he ran out again and sprayed me down while I was trying to escape. Hope you enjoyed my story ! : D. As always, please comment if you liked my story and if you would like you can click on my profile to get a glimse of my other content including stories such as this one. Thanks!
  5. M107 Sniper Rifle

    The DMR Bandit

    Thanks for the comment man : D. Im new to the community so I could use all the feedback I get : ). Btw what does (DEC) mean : O? Tons of more stories on the way : DDD
  6. M107 Sniper Rifle

    The DMR Bandit

    Hello all Bandits out there! One day I was at the NWAF airfield picking off guys with my sweet DMR. ofcourse it was pitch black on that server so noone could see anything except for me. I was lucky enough to find a pair of NV goggles at the southern barracks. I was scoping around when I found 2 people at the hangars! I put a few rounds in them and took them bouth out. I approached them silently while scoping around for potential enemies hearing my rifle fire. They had nothing much on them except for this Bizon pp 19 SD which I had no use for (Im a sniper). After that i said "why not" so i walked towards the Firestation. SOMEHOW I aggroed a zombies on the way there and he 1 hitted me with 9k hp left so i got unconcious and died. Hope you liked my story :DDDD
  7. M107 Sniper Rifle

    The NWAF Helicopter

    Hello all Bandits out there! This is my second post on this amazing forum so i hope you will enjoy it! Back a few weeks ago i did not know so much about this game neither how to play it. anyways. I decided to make my first trip to the NWAF Airfield. It was an awful long run , lots of villages, zombies and beans : D. so when i got to the airfield the server was pitch dark and i could almost not see a thing. Almost. I managed to crawl my way into the south compound where i found nothing in the southern barracks. I was heading for the firestation, crawling my way there and i was very excited. Suddenly, I could hear a noice. It was getting louder every second and then it all came clear to me. A helicopter was flying in the air in the horizon scouting for people to kill with it´s HUGE flashlight. I got really scared so i stopped moving. Then i saw something very weird. There was a guy RIGHT next to me, with a m4a3 CCO rifle just looking right at me! I only had a hatchet at that time so i could´nt do anything about him. I got really scared to i said "Friendly" while i was trying to crawl away from him. As i was focusing on this guy right next to me, the helicopter was flying directly towards me SHOOTING at me with it´s machineguns! the first burst broke my legs completely and i had no morphine. a few seconds later i saw the helicopter fly away in the distance. I was thinking ( OH MY GOD). I tried to collect myself from all this nonsense helicopter action when i turned to the right. I could clearly see, 3 Ghillie suited snipers aiming at me in the distance. I tried to run but but got Shot right in the head straight away. I went back to the airfield the next day : D
  8. M107 Sniper Rifle

    The "Lucky Bandit"

    Hello all Bandits out there! I made this account to share my story which i found quiet amazing : ) Okay, so me and my friend found a crashed helicopter site south from Gorka. guess what we found? nothing else except for the L85 A2 AWS, M107 50.cal and the DMR. Yes. 3 Different, all good sniper rifles in 1 heli. We headed for Stary sobor where he got offline. i was having some fun, sniping people at the military tents with my brand new M107 (Favorite Weapon). Everything was all fun except for when a guy just walked right onto my hideout and shot the hell out of me with his m16a2 rifle. i was pretty bummed out since i had the M107, M9 SD aswell as a Cayote backpack (24 slots) and all hunting gear i needed. So i told my friend to get back online as fast as he could. he spotted a 3 man team along with a BAF AS50 guy standing at the Stary sobor treeline. he took 2 of them out with his L85 AWS while i was trying to get back to my body. Ofcourse the server was restarting within 10 minutes so my corpse would dissapear before i would ahve any chance to loot the remainding stuff. after the Server restart i rushed as fast as possible back to stary. on the way there, i found 2 Heli crash sites where i found a FN FAL. i was running like crazy when i found this MOTORCYCLE in the middle of Novy sober. i jumped on it and drove 100 km / ph back to stary. at Stary sobor i saw 1 of the Squad members. i took him down with my FAL and found a CZ 550. i grabbed onto that weapon and i headed for my friend where we saw another heli site. nothing important was scatered around that chopper but when we crouched our way into Novy sobor guess what we found? ANOTHER chopper with a M107 on it! my face was blown away after this adventure. at the moment im in my bush hideout with my beloved M107 waiting for more people to kill : D. Sorry for the long post. i hope you enjoyed it!