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About dylzn

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  1. my character has a lump in his genital area when ever he gets up from prone
  2. dylzn

    Trading for a Huey

    ill trade you on that sir!
  3. dylzn

    Kinda need help

    yea ive tried that but none of them can manage to find me :(
  4. So ive died by zombies and respawned with a massive knock out timer. its been a day and a half so far with it and every time it gets half way (hour or two wait) id get disconnected by the sever for being afk which i cant really help and it keeps resetting when i rejoin again -.- any help?
  5. dylzn

    Sever protection

    theres like a hacker in every sever ive been on. my friends and i Repair a helicopter flying around some guy joines and kills every person in the sever without us being there and leaves... i lost all my stuff its bullcrap
  6. Pretty sad to see that 95% of the severs have pretty much no protection
  7. Hey im currently looking for a group or a few people to actually play with solo is just asking to die basically so add me on steam : scusterisnoob
  8. Hey im currently looking for a group or a few people to actually play with solo is just asking to die basically so add me on steam : scusterisnoob
  9. dylzn

    Looking For Group

    Australian players if you looking for a player to tag along or start a group add me on steam: scusterisnoob