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Everything posted by Salladsburk

  1. Hello, Sallad here i just sent u a skype friend request.
  2. Hai dere, took a small break from DayZ but now i am back, my friends quit playing this game though so at the moment im searching for some mature players to form a team/squad with, if you are interested copy and answer the questions below. How long have you played DayZ: Age: Do you have a mic and are you comfortable speaking with people: Playstyle: Do you like chocolate cake: --------------------- Ill send PM with my skype to the people i decided to pick. Hope to see you soon! /Sallad
  3. Salladsburk

    New DayZ group

    Application: IGN: Salladsburk Age: 19 Skype: yar, Robin.ffs Microphone: Yup What do you do best?(ex. medic, sniper, guard): Sniper, Guard or generally just being in the middle of the battle and shooting down zombies with my M4!
  4. When you click M ingame and then head into the Players tab you see all the people on the server you play on and some has blue icons beside them but some has some kind of play button icon beside them and i was wondering if someone could tell me what it means?