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Per Ole

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Posts posted by Per Ole

  1. oh damn, well that damage difference makes the FN FAL superior then, in my opinion. The AKM is already loud as hell, so I only use it in situations where I don't mind being loud, so that's not an issue with the FAL. Haven't actually fired it yet, and never been shot at with one, so no idea how it sounds. Looking forward to the first time :) Also found 7 mags with it, so ammo won't be a problem for a little while.

  2. * Server this happened on: SK 1

    * Time that it happened including your timezone: approx 01:35 CEST 4.08.12

    * What happened during the incident: Saw a car and two guys, went up to them point blank with my M4A1 ACOG, put it on burst mode and unloaded into them. both guys took many many hits (one of them at least 20) and they were bleeding like crazy (4-5 different blood streams). They did not die and killed me point blank with a sniper rifle. This was after I'd been unloading into them point blank for at least 10 seconds. They were both bleeding an extreme amount but did not die.

    name of one of them was kennyCZ (cannot confirm this name 100%) and the other is unknown
