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About meteostrike3

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. meteostrike3

    Looking to group up w/ people

    If your from canada, i think i found u on skype if u dont mind me joining you.
  2. Yep. As the title states, i'd like a partner who is a vet, or knows the game very well enough. Always going into electro and cherno, can never find loot in any buildings, and find only empty trash, plus people shooting at me for days. PM here and ill get back to u. Thanks :] Edit: I play very actively, but mostly in the afternoon in pacific time.
  3. meteostrike3

    Worst Way You Ever Died

    Since no respawn button, got stuck in swimming mode. Waited couple of hours to die from temp.
  4. meteostrike3

    Trading 10 tin cans for...

    Throw, zombies attract to it.
  5. meteostrike3

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    * [NEW] Respawn button is disabled during DayZ play ... crap... swiming into water, got stuck, cant do anything.... waited so far for 30 min and still didnt die, only temp low..
  6. meteostrike3

    US750 Kicking Players without cause

    Stop bumping, apperently u didn't read the rules .-.