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gatman (DayZ)

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About gatman (DayZ)

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  1. gatman (DayZ)

    Walkie Talkies.

    Unfortunately you're right. Easy work around to not having a radio in game, out of game voip Solution - Make them interesting, I'd use em for the immersion after all that's what were here for. - Local chat alerts zombies and everyone within the area can hear you - Walk talkies (make them as rare as say.. CZ ammo maybe) don't attract zombies (talk quietly in theory) but can be heard by other players using scanners at the base of the big antenna towers - Scanners can intercept comms so you'd still use local chat if you wanted to be sure you weren't being listened to Yeah?
  2. gatman (DayZ)

    Remove the pseudo-dynamic weather script

    That's ok, the sniper attracts a mother load of zombies anyway and if he misses you can tell where he is, plus there'll be no sympathy for those caught sniping at the tree line, I suppose you could just hit town Via the tree line and look for bandits
  3. gatman (DayZ)

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    Build, Build, Build - Alpha ;) :D
  4. gatman (DayZ)

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    ...there's 64111 players that are alive right now. As much fun as waiting sounds I think I can speak for everyone (besides you apparently) that this would be a bad idea. Rocket has created a monster, however she's broken and crying for a patch. My mate hasn't done any work in a week straight now and I've put off assignments for a week myself, I don't think a week offline if it's required would be the worst thing in the world - If you increase my sample size of 2 to 64111 I doubt you'll see much of a difference. A crap load of people putting off life to play this puppy haha
  5. gatman (DayZ)

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    Touchy subject.. They pay real money, they don't get priority - That's not fair They kick users at will in a discriminatory fashion - That's not fair They willingly disobey a direct order from Captain Rocket himself - That's not fair Solution: - Require all servers to host 50 players - Allow 2 reserved Admin positions + 3 "Friend" positions - Disallow kicking of players to make space (enforceable by screen-shots) Result: - Players stfu and appreciate it's a free, 45 player server - Server Admins get their benefits - Rule breakers get dropped [Privilege: a right, immunity, or benefit enjoyed only by a person beyond the advantages of most] It is a privilege to host an unreleased not-for-profit game...
  6. gatman (DayZ)

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    I doubt the effectiveness of suggestions here but I'd be happy to be banned for a certain period to ensure the roll-out could be done? As in, ban everyone, roll it out, release groups of 100 every half hour to ease the load? It's not like you owe anyone up-time haha and it's only going to make things better in the long run
  7. gatman (DayZ)

    Remove the pseudo-dynamic weather script

    In this day and age it's not difficult to make a variable random. Just do that every few hours making the whether foggy, rainy or clear. Atm it's always foggy and occasionally rainy - this makes it boring imo. I'm just one though, what do you all think?
  8. gatman (DayZ)

    Should we scrap bandit models?

    Eventually (not first, there's more stuff like Zombie mechanics, motions, spawn rates, locations etc to fix first) I'd love to see loads of skins to choose from so you can easily identify friendlies as well, and it would make it more realistic to have civilian skins too - press skins, media, reporters, mechanics, maybe even a torn suit for the ol' businessman ;)
  9. That looks equally awesome! Very impressed it's not even a mod..
  10. gatman (DayZ)

    How to balance Bandits.

    fapoo said it. If we're going for realism, Bandits would exist in much smaller numbers in Real life, this should be addressed (After Zombie bugs/movement etc). Either everyone that plays this game is a dickhead or the game needs adjusting to allow for "my life was in danger" haha in the last few days it's turned into an every-man-for-themselves scenario - My mate included
  11. gatman (DayZ)

    Military Blockades

    Excellent idea!
  12. gatman (DayZ)

    Fast vs Slow Zombies

    Supporting one server is hard enough at the moment, halving this would be difficult and I can't see the regular ones being filled. This is a survival game, not your average death-match fps, despite it appears that way these days with the bean-wars. If you're struggling with Zombies man, just head inland and steer clear from major cities, I agree they're crawling, but smaller towns have much more manageable amounts, if you simply don't alert them all at once you can easily clean out a small town with 3 clips of a makrov, if anything that's unrealistic haha No animosity towards you bro but there's easier solutions to your dilemma than that of others right now - Personally I've got huge beef with the way they spawn in front of you randomly, can walk through walls and refuse to register being hit straight away (not server lag - hit register lag)
  13. gatman (DayZ)

    Fast vs Slow Zombies

    10% Run faster than you 20% Run the same speed as you 40% Run slightly slower than you 30% You can watch awkwardly stumble their way over (still dangerous in buildings or towns - being overrun) That would be my suggestion.
  14. gatman (DayZ)

    What do you want to see in 1.5.9 ?

    Smoother zombie movement. Love the mod so far, and appreciate the effort exhausted for it, the Zombies however are faggots to put it politely. Zombies: - Shouldn't be able to attack/walk through walls/doors - Should register hits when they are made (glitchy) - Shouldn't be so ridiculously insta-fast the second they're alerted What would be amazing is to implement a suspicion animation or two for all 3 variants (walkers, hoppers, crawlers) so they don't instantly run for you at an unreasonable speed, but they will instantly look (in a creepy/retarded manner) and then it's 70/30 as to whether they pursue. It sucks that the second you shoot, regardless of the zombies location and line of sight of you, they bolt at top speed to your location, not a fan. Speed should be random too, some should absolutely fang, most should stumble.