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fluffers (DayZ)

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About fluffers (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. fluffers (DayZ)

    Epic boat jump

    nice AS-50 TWS...
  2. fluffers (DayZ)

    Inventory UI concept design v2.1 (window based)

    I honestly would like to see a choice in the menu, like you could choose from originals, OP's, or any other design. That would satisfy all parties. Also I see you included a pouch, I would very much like to see that similar to the Czech vest (I know this idea is already out there).
  3. fluffers (DayZ)

    Real Bandity How its Done!

    I do believe you dropped your "R"
  4. fluffers (DayZ)

    ok i need help

    LOL. Welcome to DayZ, it's night time find a daytime server.
  5. fluffers (DayZ)

    BattlEye Kicked: Failed to Update

    I did not know there was an update because I downloaded the mod through six launcher but I use the actual game to select servers. So I was in the previous version of DayZ, I loaded into a server and it auto updated battle eye to 1.66 while loading. The solution may be that you need to revert to the previous version of DayZ (IDK how), join a battle eye enabled server, and it should auto update to 1.66, then you go back into six launcher and update to newest version of DayZ. EDIT: Nevermind that didn't stick for me, probably for no one else... Just play the previous version til fix?