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About Selwon

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Selwon

    FPS Dropping Randomly

    I know exactly what you mean, I get it too. Your fps drops after an hour of playing I noticed going back to the player selection screen fixes the lagging issue. I have a theory its server side something to do with Australian/New Zealand servers because I have a mate that plays on US servers and says it doesn't lag. I would try it out myself but I can't stand the high ping.
  2. Server: ANZ1 hosted by AUSARMA Time: 1:30am (10+gmt) Roughly What happened: In Cherno climbed a ladder to the top there was a guy hiding behind a wall with an AA-12. He warped out several meters and sprayed me down. I figured it was a bloke called CryptiK. He then made some suspicious comments about "Bannable weapons" Seemed odd.
  3. It seems that the zombies have reverted back to an early area of being super sensitive. I can't even walk through the town without pulling zeds from a few hundred meters away. It's really frustrating because I spent 2-3 hours working on getting a boat and new bandit camp together to have it all go to shit when the new patch was installed on the server I was on. Pulling zeds from 100-300 meters away while crouch running seems a bit retarded. Just needed to rant a bit. 4 hours of game play to end up no where dead and mad. Not to mention pulling zeds through walls and houses. TL;DR: Zeds too sensitive.