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Everything posted by ClasicColaTaste

  1. ClasicColaTaste

    Locating the shooter

    Hello everyone, Im pretty new to the game but have some experience. I wanted to ask for some tips on locating shooters. Ill often hear gun shots in the distance but i can never quite locate who is shooting. Now i understand fighting isnt always the best option, and looking for a fight can be suicide but this has other applications. My headset is the Tbeach x-10s so i can hear the general direction of the gun shot, but i want to know how you personally go about locating where those gun shots came from. Any links to tips would be appreciated greatly.
  2. ClasicColaTaste

    Looking for a mature group

    I've been playing for about a month now and am getting pretty tired of playing alone. I would like to find a group of fun, funny, and most importantly mature people to play with. I am 22 and live on the east coast (US). I have skype and vent but i can easily download teamspeak if i need to. Message me here or on skype at ClasicColaTaste.
  3. ClasicColaTaste

    Searching for a mature clan

    I would like to join up for the night aswell. my skype is ClasicColaTaste. im 22 and on the east coast