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Posts posted by dapperdirewolf

  1. I for one would not go out of my way to kill the church doctor fellow. In fact, personally I would be more interested in getting there to trade for supplies - though without weapons I'm not certain what he would want in return for saving mine or my group members' lives. "Hey, you just saved my life with open heart surgery. Take these beans." :D

  2. I think the darkness is great, and most certainly terrifying. I'm always able to distinguish the sky from anything on the ground (treeline/building outlines etc.), and while everything is indeed pitch black, there are torches and flares and whatnot (to use at your own risk!). From what I've played so far, the night time is an entirely different experience to the day; one that strongly encourages teamwork with other players, and somehow always brings people together by a flare in desperation to survive. Nobody wants to be alone in the middle of a zombie infested village! My only thought is that night time perhaps lasts too long, and that rather than 24 hour clock, perhaps it could be 12, or 6. That way everyone could more easily experience the transition from day to night, and the glorious feeling it must be to see the sun rising over the horizon after a night of survival.

    Damn, I haven't been on Day Z for more than 24 hours... I seriously need a fix.

  3. Had a six-hour session yesterday evening, first group foray into the world of Day Z, and holy crap, I haven't had so much original fun in a game for a long time. Already have a bank of awesome tales I'll never forget and can't wait to have more! Zombie amount seems pretty good to me so far; learned the hard way that sniping a zombie in a town from half a mile away with three armed companions makes NO difference to your safety. Bloody zombies are so fast! Great work :D

  4. I think I'd prefer the Debug Information to be left where it is (if not put into the 'map' screen instead) since if it was in the middle-right, you'd have a lovely square of text blocking your field of vision.

    I'm sure I saw somewhere that status messages will be trimmed down eventually...
