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Everything posted by Solklar

  1. Ok, so I have beeen playing dayz for a couple of days now and I have only got myself a gun once and hatchet a couple of times but there has always been a time when I got spotted by some zombies even tho I spend 90% of my time laying down. And when a zombie finds me I have got 2 options, either kill him with my hatchet and get 3 more zombies running after me or run to the water so I can swim away since they are faster than me running. I have also tried to run and then fast lay down so maybe they stop chasing me but it doesn't work, I have tried to run around houses or around fences, I can neither find my friends. But to the point now... I recently played and found this awesome crossbow and some bolts but I got a zombie trying to kill me when I sneak out so I killed him but at the same time I got hit and started to bleed. When I was bleeding I got 3 new zombies running after me and they chased me untill my blood went from 11k to 0 and died. Is it a bug or are they always following you until u died, killed them or run to the water? (I spent like 5 min trying to get away running straight forward, around houses, around fences, uphill etc.) Anyone having any idea how to do or is it only me and my friends that got problem with this?