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Everything posted by bw.shuggoth@gmail.com

  1. bw.shuggoth@gmail.com

    Worst Game Experience ever

    I had same time of experiences at start , now is more something like day 1 get everyhing i need to survive and a tent , day 2 setting up the tent , day 3 finding night vision googles ; day 4 repair a car on a night server to be safe. day 5 : splinter cell like a boss in the woods and my car x) before you can accomplish this you will die 10 to 20 times. then you will learn what to do and what no to do untill you achieve it the first time. i failed and got killed while looking my night vision goggles , but i still have my tent , weps and stuff to repair a car so im gonna keep doing it untill it works!!! always have a backup plan : friends / tents .
  2. bw.shuggoth@gmail.com

    You meet some weird people in DayZ!

    this is why im in love with this game. those litte stories and encounter are awesome
  3. bw.shuggoth@gmail.com

    Can you save tents in the wilderness ?

    hello guys i would like to know if my tent will save in the wilderness ?
  4. bw.shuggoth@gmail.com

    Can you save tents in the wilderness ?

    thank you you avoided me big headhache i'm preparing a camp to repair a car and i hope it's gonna save. im gonna try fix it elsewhere thank you guys ! happy survival ;)
  5. ok so im not going to explain you how to optimize your computer or your game files since those threads are all around. i just wanted to make things clear about low computers specs what to do and what to avoid. in my case im having and old intelcore duo e8400 +4gig ram + ati radeon 4850 pro. this is a very crappy config to run dayz but i noticed that i still can get better fps than some people on quadcores... (i have 25/40 fps all time except on crappy servers 9/8fps) i tried every optimization threads available out here , on armaholics , on pastebin . i tried them all. what pisses me off is those guys saying bullshit like : set your frames render ahead on 1 and you will get performance... Wrong : in case of a low end computer , changing this setting will give you a huge drop of 10 to 15 fps. i mean WTF those guys dosent even know what it does , they just read it was cool and give performance to some people so they say "do it". so many people did enable those tweaks without even knowing what it does and without knowing it would kill your FPS on a low end computer. so im gonna explain here what optimizations SUCKS on low end computers and which ones are working great. i seen many guides that reccomand to update your MaxFramesAhead DetectedFramesAhead to the value 1. this is correct in case of high end computer that would have a bottleneck or some latency issues but in case of low end computer this is not something to do , it will get worst if you are not having a monster rig , or a bottleneck rig , dont change that setting and let it by default (1000/1) now lets speak about the launching parameters ive read everything and tried them all , they all recommand to go for maxmem=2047 and in my case with 4gb ram it should be ok to allow but no . its just not , the game is such badly optimized that my game starts to eats more and more memory and the only good parameter is to run smooth is : "no parameter about memory" remove that damn line. if you are having 2gig to 4gigs ram. so here is the best 4 things that gave me majors fps boost on my low end computer : -seting shadingquality=0 in the arma profile : ok ok we all know this one.. -maxframes & detected frames = (default 1000/1) changing this setting will fuck up worst if you not having bottleneck or monster rig. LET it by default !! -removing the line maxmem=2047 from my dayz launcher. let your memory settings by default !!! edit your profile file and change sceneComplexity to sceneComplexity=160000; -using best driver for my ati card (in my case 12.4whql instead of last version 12.6 if you want more informations on ati driver benchmark check here : http://benchmark3d.c...ne-26-benchmark -atoc , this one is optional but everybody say you should set it to 0 or 6 , in my case there is absolutely no fps difference between all atoc mode set it to 7 and make your eyes rebirth ;) lowering shaders gives fps using default frame ahead gives fps removing memory tweak line in launcher give fps (if you have 4gigs it will just use more memory than usual and the game will start to have huge fps drops after 50minutes playing (which remembers me all those guys who cry that the game dosent run smooth after 20/50minutes , maybe the problem come from here...) changing scene complexity will make your gpu render less informations 160K instead of 300K wich means fps gain too went from 15 fps to a 20/45 fps wich is awesome for a dual core when i see people with quads getting 6fps. the game run smooth in forest , and is a bit harsh in electro but the game is playable !!! (my settings : texture normal/ memory normal / terain detail :very low / object details: very low/ anti aliasing : low/ vsynch : off , post processing : off) my screen is running native 1680x1050 but this resolution is quite to big to run smoothly so i went down to 1400x900 and i adjusted the 3d pannel to a higher resolutions i also noticed that tweak gave me few fps and is the total opposite from what i am reading everywhere. hope those tips will helps people with low end computers dual core running 30+ fps in nature with AA enabled beats monster rigs with everything turned off. trust no one , trust no guide, experiment and explain ! (ps : i also forgot to mention that i looked at the benchmarks of every ati drivers to define wich one was best for arma , and in case of my gpu the best drivers are 12.4 whql (maybe not for you depends on your card)
  6. bw.shuggoth@gmail.com

    Balota suprise.

    when i get there , it's usually alone because of the poorness of the drops at this place : only one spot for weapon , this is very bad place , especially for a full crew to stuff , so no beans for you too i know you where there for fresh kills , i don't even raid this place alone because i know only one spot drop and is rarely up due to newbs all arround. what would a crew harvest there , there is only noobs and at best 1 aco or 1aka wep. clans dont go there for ressuply ;) you lie pretty bad mister fresh killa ;) i died there today freshly respawned naked vs 2 snipers. camping place.... guys like you ... blablabla.... campers... true story
  7. bw.shuggoth@gmail.com

    Can't you just shoot them in the head?

    you made my day , im not crazy , its just other players that are stupid and dosent understand game dynamics changed so much that the game is ruined. with less emotions and less immersion. and like little fanboy of rocket they are , they just lick lick lick the feet. and close close close the eyes and brain.
  8. bw.shuggoth@gmail.com

    Can't you just shoot them in the head?

    and this is why i actually dies a lot and loose all my morphins , i take them in building , headshot them all scenario 1 i get more aggros scenario 2 i die while trying to escape in the building since they hit thru walls or pop on my like a ghost. , just can't loose aggro even playing with buldings , landscape and so on. scenario 3 ran out of ammo , have to reload , loose to much blood or get broken legs. run out of morphins all scenario = death before arma patch + new release i always survived. i still aim the same something change or maybe im perma drunk. Would you care to enlighten me? my gameplay is superstealthy crawling , avoiding shots at all costs usually. now i feel like im shootin shootin shootin and i just hate it. this is what i meant by game broke , i now shoot like a moron while i used to play stealthy and i have no other option WTF... running dosent work . crawling doesent work headshotting works but i have to reload at some point. zombie spawning changed (they are now most of the time in building entry wich screws most of inflitration methods or give crazy aggro thru walls even out of sight) do you guys play on rookie server with armors ? please be honest because im trying to understand what changed and its "not" only firepower. I LOVE being out of my comfort zone, and i have no worries with perma death since my favorite game ever was a sandbox like dayz ,i only played that game since 1998. i am not a carebear , i dont play world of warcraft. i love to die. i used to freaking love ultima online in it's first years. im not crying because weps got nerfed , im crying because a skilled gameplay based on infiltration is now totaly useless and is now only about shootin shootin and shootin. i thought rocket would love to give us options , what option i have if i can't loose aggro , if i can't avoid breaking legs , or if i can't avoid a 5+ aggro? well i have to shoot , then ... run death is not an option , its a fatality. oh i see , i have the option "wait and see" from my experience in pvp + sandboxes i can tell the game is taking wrong way like i seen 10years ago on a game like this. they screwed it all and its now dead . im affraid with changes like this ,dayz could become like ultima online , a game where balance was not a priority , but in the end , the game mechanics has to have balance or it ends in chaos or result in hardcore players leaving the game because it became "too hardcore" or "different feeling" after sucky updates(wich really make me think again about what rocket said with emotions, ultima online is the only game that had the same fear level of loosing your gear , getting pked , it's the ancestor of dayz and is a very good exemple of what to do and what not to do if you wanna ruin a game) acutally i feel different emotions , less strong , and less stress because i know that i have 70% chance of aggroing what ever i do. so if you know it gonna happen the fear is not here anymore , the game become fukin predictable and i hate that. i dont have less emotions because im used to the game , i get less emotions because of the new dynamic that is shitty and predictable. i hope rocket will read my rage because its different from others. IT not weapon firepower problem , it has to do with metagame, emotions and predictable actions because of new spawning mechanics/ aggro tweaked and the situation where you get stuck now with a 5 to 10 aggro only with your gun not to aggro more zombs (main weapon is not a solution anymore) wtf should i pop my AKM and burst like a moron to aggro 15More ? is this the way the game wants me to play know if i can't stealth like a boss? this guy plays really bad and does not headshots but this is what happens to me playing splinter cell style with no mistakes it now end up all the time like this and im not using rifles , only gun. infinite aggro , no exit. and if theres an exit they wont leave me , or they will aggro more.how can a gamestyle that was play with no mistake now end up all the time like this freaking newb video ? just explain to me. im not like this guy and i will never do those mistakes , i just have no other choices , i never used alt-f4 and that a good think they going to monitor is because when desision making is limited like that people will ALT f-4 , its not cowardry , is just logical sense. What can i do ? nothing ? no option ? alt f4. so rocket if you read me , if you want to have less alt-f4'ers , just tweak the game in a way that give us though desisions but that gives us options , i admit death is a fatality and sometimes its normal that we doesent have choice , the game would be flawless without this , but i think it clrearly badly balanced and it become even more crazier with low firepower weps. how can a gameplay with no mistake allways ends up like mistakes like this video ? if i was newb like this guy i would agree but its not the case , the aggro is not my fault , its bugged , then it goes creshendo i would love to STILL have the choice between a survival fps and a shoot em up .... just feel is like now bursting in loops... ps : i know what descision making is , and honestly this kind of stuff makes people use alt f4. because there was no mistake , i avoid danger but it end in aggro that never end. shooting like a moron. + i have no other desision making because i know this will always end up the same way. i can't be the only one who notice that new behavior in the game and im really surprised no one noticed that. @op do you play with suppresors ?
  9. bw.shuggoth@gmail.com

    Can't you just shoot them in the head?

    1) I don't make your initial mistake of aggroing everything in sight (5 zombies) i don't its just zeds view sight that is clearly totally bugged actually . im crawling like 24/7.... , playing infiltration style and still got those heavy bad pack aggro from 100m i played for 2 weeks without dying and now i just die in loops ? just explain to me... im crawling like before and im not playing a dumbstyle aggro gameplay. i am playing like splinter cell and it used to work. now i get crazy aggros for no reasons , even on rooftops crawling (not shots) 2) If I do aggro 5 zombies, I run away and try to scrape them off on obstacles - as anyone would in real life. This is exactly what i do and you will notice that now if you run into a building to make them go slower then quickly run to another building you wont loose aggro like before. same for many obstacles , the only one that actually worked for me today was the marinas. near water. (theres none north) so i see no other options than shooting ,or maybe should i run endlessly like benny hill ? are you serious? Have you tried to hit and run now ? 3) I am not incapable of shooting things in the head, when I choose to shoot. i think 25 headshot over 30zeds killed show i have no aiming troubles.( even if the sample to low compared to my last life) 4) I don't forget to take morphine when I go to the NW Airfield I don't i always take 3 to 4 when i travel up north but since that new arma patch and new release i get my leg broke in seconds because of zeds 4 to 5+ aggro that i can't even run aways or hit and run like i used to. (or avoid crawling) :/ 5x aggro turn into 10x aggro and finishes in epic fail with no hit and run possible. 4 times leg broke . 4morphin gone , are we playing the same game ? i know all those tricks , they just don't work anymore for me ...since arma patch +1.7.4 one time i would say ok bad luck , but after 5 tries , is no bad luck or bad play : the game is broke. i appreciate your advices but this is exactly the gameplay i used to have and its not working anymore for me. not 100% gun faults , i would say more crazy nonsense aggros + lower guns + obstacles working less with hit and run = epic fail. Zeds now aggro from very far when i crawl and i still don't get it.
  10. bw.shuggoth@gmail.com

    Can't you just shoot them in the head?

    ORly !!!! and once you aggroed 5 zombies at same time what you do ? head shot them one by one ? 2 mistakes allowed with m1911 , 5 headshot + 2mistakes. perfect with revolver ? using the makaroni 5bullet per torso ? how many magasines you got ? do you really play the same game i play.. ok ok we have unlimited ammo , but packs act weird now , i get monster aggros like 5 to 6 zeds . what can i do with a m1911 ... nothing ... makaroni : nothing kill 2 , revolver kill 3 using main weapon and aggro even more zombies ? what you say is nonsense .i hope you get that in the face and die leg broke out of morphin arround NW airfield so you know how it feels with the new guns even when you a good player... i think you killed zeds for 5 minutes with it without playing the survival aspect. Tell me how im suppose to down 5 zeds , if i do 3 mistakes and got only 1 round. i will die in the building or get my leg broke....and you will too. stop giving stupid feedback to rocket and licking his ass. even good player wont suvive this very long i bet you are one of those electro pvp newb that dosent care dying and just shoot Zeds like a fps.... this will happen to you i can't wait . TO be honest even with lot of rounds 7 , not bad aiming at headshots (25headshot over 30killed) you wont survive any aggro inside a building if more than 2 zed comes. you will maybe once , but not twice... and trust me that happened to me 4 or 5 times since new arma patch and im considering pausing the game waiting for rocket to fix it. is pointless to play actually if your goal is to survive in north of lands like a boss. i used to have solutions to this scenario before but since the weapons hiting lower. zeds actings weird like crazy aggro for no reason 100Meters+ x5 zeds tell me what the fuck i am suppose to do ? 4th or 5th time i die with NO options available fully loaded with main + secondary weapon (not even out of ammo) , shit tons of bandaids. painkillers and all. i love hardcore games , but to be honest i dont like to die when options are limited like this. ESPECIALLY when the features are not intended by the mod developper... i find the game actually totally sucks . found it awesome a week ago. now its just crap !
  11. bw.shuggoth@gmail.com

    graphic bugs

    that bug is really anoying just lost my camo because i couldn't even see what i aggroed.... help ;/
  12. bw.shuggoth@gmail.com

    How to survive without major towns?

    everytime i die , my new goal is to get as fast as possible : map/compass / morphine injector x4 ,any weapon then leave the city. assuming that 4 morphine is enough. to be honest i did few trip to north , well equiped and since last changes about weapon dammage i realized that the possibility to have broken leg is much more higher than before (bad aggro , zombie acting differently, 5 z to kill with 5 bullets ... ok im good but i can't do perfect headshots all the time so ...more broken legs x) i actually had to travel from pusthoshka to airfield crawling and its pain ... im now in the airfield in hope of players with medic stuff. i tried all cities before airfield with no chances , now i have to kill for survival ! never leave main cities without your map and morphines , the other items you will get them in your travel or on players.
  13. bw.shuggoth@gmail.com

    legs breaking randomly?

    everytime i die , my new goal is to get as fast as possible : map/compass / morphine injector x4 ,any weapon then leave the city. assuming that 4 morphine is enough. to be honest i did few trip to north , well equiped and since last changes about weapon dammage i realized that the possibility to have broken leg is much more higher than before (bad aggro , zombie acting differently, 5 z to kill with 5 bullets ... ok im good but i can't do perfect headshots all the time so ...more broken legs x)
  14. unarmed people is a threat , i remember meeting a vet waiting for his friend on electro beach , i was unarmed with no pack , i asked him if i could go with them for more security , they said yeah. after a while i think they got bored from me and they tried to run away without me when i was paying less attention . when i found them back 2 building later , i ran in the building , ran upstairs before them and found a good old shotgun, instant took it , then aimed at the stairs... you know what happened next... Trust no one , even an unarmed guy. Don't mess , even with an unarmed guy ;) sad but true.